View Full Version : Is "diet" soda alright for weight loss?

03-16-2010, 12:34 AM
I used to drink like 2-3 20oz soda's per day (sugared)

Besides the other possible side effects to artificial sweeteners, is drinking Diet soda ok when trying to lose weight?

We all know caffeine helps with weight loss, and I'm DEFINITELY addicted to caffeine.

I really don't mind the taste of Diet Mt. Dew (tastes damn near identical to reg Mt Dew, IMO)

Is it ok to drink a couple diet soda's a day then?

The President
03-16-2010, 12:39 AM
idk the science behind it so I can't say that "yes, diet soda is ok". I 100% stopped drinking sugared sodas though. I do drink the occasional Coke Zero and that works well for me. I've lost like 15 lbs in a month and a half but that's with vigirous cardio almost every night. I did an hour at 170BPM tonight.

03-16-2010, 09:58 AM
even though it says zero carbs , sugar it still has an effect on your body! dont drink it drink water and pure green tea or just staight black coffee

03-16-2010, 10:38 AM
crystal ligh man just add water!! its just 5 calories!! and the flavors are awesome!

03-16-2010, 03:46 PM
WATER or UNSWEETENED ICED TEA. after a month of no soda, when you drink one it dosent taste that good anymore.

03-16-2010, 05:38 PM
You can drink/eat whatever you want... Just make sure your burning more cal/carb than your taking in an thus you will lose weight...Water is going to be the best thing to drink. its really all about how bad you want to reach your goal.

03-17-2010, 12:54 AM
its fine, i used to drink like 2/3 52 oz sodas a day and then i went to drinking that much diet soda a day when i started eating heathy lol i lost around 70 pounds so it didnt affect me. However after i stopped drinking soda all together and a few months after i had a regular soda and it made me sick

05-24-2010, 03:14 AM
i think diet soda its gross ..

just drink water .

The Guido
05-24-2010, 07:20 AM
I stopped drinking soda in general a few years back. I have the occasional splurge (once a month) of it, but thats it. I "heard" that diet is bad...I myself cant stand the taste.

05-27-2010, 11:52 PM
so what are healthy drinks to drink? i used to drink 1or 2 44oz pepsi a day and ive stoped for about twenty days and tasted one today and it tastes like crap lol. is orange juice,apple juice,tea, better and healthier

05-28-2010, 04:45 AM
Juices are full of sugar.^
Diet soda is no better than regular soda. Drink Water! (Other alternatives.. Black coffee and unsweetened tea/greentea)

die in a dick fire noob
05-28-2010, 07:33 AM
how is diet soda bad, i see a few of you saying diet soda is just as bad as regular soda, how?

i stopped drinking sugared soda a while back and went from 185 to 165 in about a month. i drink diet soda to this day and have yet to see any ill effects. i have 2-3 diet cokes or diet dr peppers a day (12oz can) and haven't gained any weight back despite eating horrible foods and little to no exercise.

05-28-2010, 08:22 AM
if your going on an aggressive diet, diet soda can be a living hell. As the asptritame in diet soda can stimulate hunger in "most" individuals I know it does a hell of al ot for me. Just took me a long ass time to realize it hehe. So hey as long as your okay with being hungry as hell every time you drink it, i guess go for it. lol. Coffee is easier on the system :)

die in a dick fire noob
05-28-2010, 08:30 AM
coffee's not easier on my system, i have coffee shits if i drink more than 2 cups.

found an interesting read on coffee however, http://men.webmd.com/features/coffee-new-health-food

pretty cool stuff. gonna have to start downing it much to the distain of my breath and teeth.

oh and i never noticed a trend between my diet soda consumption and my hunger, i'll pay more attention now and see what it does to me.

either way after reading that article i think i'm just gonna switch to coffee all the damn time lol...

05-28-2010, 08:44 AM
if your going on an aggressive diet, diet soda can be a living hell. As the asptritame in diet soda can stimulate hunger in "most" individuals I know it does a hell of al ot for me. Just took me a long ass time to realize it hehe. So hey as long as your okay with being hungry as hell every time you drink it, i guess go for it. lol.

This is what I was going to mention. The increase in appetite, high amounts of sodium and the lack of any nutritional value soda has in general.

and to add to all the comments... the fact that soda, coffee, tea's and juices erode the enamel on your teeth is definitely a great reason not to drink them.

05-28-2010, 09:05 AM
Yeah i remember when i used to work out i was trying to cut some weight off, was having a hard time cutting my intake down. Every time ide eat ide get hungry the moment im done. Then i started having stumach problems so i quit soda (was making me really sick). No issues cutting the food then, wasn't really hungry. every time i snuck in some soda ide get hungry about 15min's later.

All the shit is bad, lol. I get water delivered to my house personally. I prefer a glass of quality water over most drinks any time. (Just not tap, or that normal filtered crap bleh).

05-28-2010, 09:13 AM
just cut it from your diet period

die in a dick fire noob
05-28-2010, 11:51 AM
i like carbonation and the burn that soda provides, that's really the only reason i drink it. don't care about sugar or caffiene, i just don't feel satisfied without the carbonation. it helps with the allergies i have as well, it scratches your throat where you can't scratch. sounds weird but they've done studies in arizona about the amount of soda consumption in relation to post-nasal drip... my allergies are worse here in NC since the pollen this year has been out of control. so my soda intake has gone up even more lol...