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Spec C 09-12-2014 03:03 PM

You literally just said you were debating focusing more on gaining muscle lol

How are you going to "strengthen what you have" when you don't have the ability to add enough load/intensity? Doing more volume, doesn't replace lack of intensity. Unless I'm wrong, and your apartment gym is better equipped than I recall it being.

Continue losing bf until you're happy. Then reevaluate. 09-12-2014 03:07 PM

You're right I should have proofread better

I am not using most of the equipment here at any more than 60% capacity yet so if by volume you mean more weight, I can still add more here on the machines,

What do you mean by increase intensity then?

Spec C 09-12-2014 06:24 PM

Volume is dictated by the amount of work, intensity is dictated by percent of 1 rep max. So you have a barbell and at least enough weight to squat, bench, or deadlift a heavy 6-8 rep set? If so you should be good. I didn't think your gym had a squat rack, or bench.

gunsup0331 09-14-2014 04:31 PM

started this year with drinking too much and plateauing in the 170s....bulked to 186 recently getting back into good food prep. Workouts have always been on point I only lack the discipline to hit my macros and quit drinking

Shooting for 200lbs 15% bf in the next 4 months, then cut back to 185ish <8% for next summer

Dgaf about weights. want bigger titties, calves and lats

ill be pretty happy to stay around 190 with abs at 5'9" for the indeterminable future

Once i hit my goal body comp maybe ill start powerlifting? idk

Shouts to Spec C for keeping this subforum alive 09-14-2014 10:42 PM

Bran we can lift lol

PhxKid92 09-24-2014 10:53 PM

I just bought another bench today and havent lifted anything in months lol... I never had a problem with shoulder pain but today I go and do some easy warm up sets of 135lbs..but on the 3rd set I get instant pain in the front of my left shoulder when I bring the bar down to my chest.. bad form? What the hell could it be? Never had this problem before, until today. im pretty out of shape lol doesn't hurt at all until i try to bench then instant pain again.

Spec C 09-25-2014 07:27 AM

Probably bad technique but also poor mobility. Try and start working on shoulder, and pec mobility.

usdm420 09-25-2014 09:45 AM

Probably got some external rotation going on when you bring the bar down. Very common.

2Old4VTEC 09-25-2014 11:27 AM

Or you're just getting older (?)... I popped a hernia this year that had to be surgically repaired doing the same stuff I have always done. You might just need to take slower than expected. Sorry to hear about your injury.

PhxKid92 09-25-2014 11:51 AM

Woke up this morning and tried again, perfectly fine now with 0 pain? Lol any good videos on proper form for the bench?

Thanks im gonna try that I did notice my elbows do stick out some. Ill correct that

im 22 so I highly doubt age is the culprit, I honestly think I just had bad form and over stretched something. Like I was telling spec the pain is totally gone now already, Pretty weird... thanks:party2:

Spec C 09-25-2014 02:54 PM

If you're really interested in technique watch this multi part series

PhxKid92 09-25-2014 05:41 PM

Just watched all 7, very informative. I was doing everything wrong apparently lol I made a quick video earlier of my shit technique ill make another one trying to correct it with his advice.. yeahhhhhh we will see how that goes lol

usdm420 09-26-2014 06:30 AM

If your form is that off, I'd drop the weight down a little until you can completely, 100% control every movement.....and get your form down. Then start adding the weight back on.

PhxKid92 09-26-2014 12:54 PM

Yeah thats what im doing im practicing with just the bar and 95lbs.. harder than it looks for sure

Spec C 09-26-2014 05:11 PM

Wrap your thumbs around the bar, and squeeze the shit out of it.

The problem also is when weight is too light it is hard to critique. It is too light. You need to load up the bar a bit. Try and be explosive.

Actually looks much better though. Try and think about driving your heels into the floor, which will keep your legs tighter.

PhxKid92 09-30-2014 04:56 PM

usdm420 10-01-2014 07:24 AM

If you're banking on a new griddle to get your diet correct,

usdm420 10-01-2014 11:24 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Right on the cusp of 240. I'm cutting weight so fucking slow right now. I could probably drop my cals a little more to speed it up, but I have to admit I am comfortable with my current diet and I'm don't feel like I'm ever starving.

Trying to get into the low 230's before the meet up here....gonna take one of you guys home as a Sugar Daddy. I'm tired of working my ass off. lol

PhxKid92 10-01-2014 01:14 PM

Better than having to buy charcoal every week and cooking out in the heat.. I can saute Vegetables, grill meat, make eggs, anything really. This shit is a time saver. Instead of getting most of my protein through shakes I rather get it from lean meats which I can cook on here in like 15 mins.. I dont know why thats funny?

SiR Mikey 10-01-2014 07:42 PM

How tall are you? I probably already asked 3 times. Beard is on point too :thumbup: 10-02-2014 07:31 AM

I am up to 170 now but still fitting my clothes properly, and my body fat is still dropping visually.

Happy times!

usdm420 10-02-2014 09:01 AM

6', but seem to be gaining a little height as I drop weight too.

usdm420 10-02-2014 09:04 AM

Sorry, it sounded like the Griddle was gonna be your lifesaver when it came to your diet.
That thing isn't doing anything a simple pan over a stove couldn't do already....but if it works for you, get it!

PhxKid92 10-02-2014 12:07 PM

I basically just got it specifically for the meat and time saving. Grilling everyday outside would suck lol

PhxKid92 10-09-2014 07:46 PM

Heres a fail at 220lbs lol I think I should be able to get it pretty soon tho.. this was my first ever attempt at it. Im currently stuck at 205

Spec C 10-09-2014 08:45 PM

Better than this delusional

PhxKid92 10-09-2014 09:33 PM

I actually thought I was gonna get it when i unracked it but apparently not good lol... jesus christ 700 + is ridiculous to attempt lol Whats your PR again?

usdm420 10-10-2014 07:17 AM

Jesus failing christ lol
Just cuz you warm up with 205 doesn't mean you can jump to 7-bills hahaha
Can that kid even push 400? Any of us can unrack 700 WITH HELP, and just let that shit down onto our chests lol

SiR Mikey 10-10-2014 07:42 AM

Video was hard to watch ha. His assisted warm up was solid.

usdm420 10-10-2014 11:43 AM

So Spec, I wanna give something like 335 a shot. Should I do some lower weight reps first, or just go big on the first try with fresh muscles?

I know most people go through a few lighter reps to work their way up, just curious as to if this is the way to go in general.


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