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RHDJDM 05-01-2010 11:55 PM

fuk mayweathers bitch ass pacman would whoop the shit out of him thats y they pulled that bullshit unheard ever in the sport with a drug test right before the fight ,,

oh yeah and fuk u for swinging on his nutts

2.0eg-si 05-02-2010 12:04 AM

well we will see i think mayweather is a champ for a reason..cant wait to see him knock pac out should be fun :rofl: i dont give a fuck about his background lifestlye im not trying to date him i like his boxing tallent so all that bull shit about him hittin a girl or w/e thats none of my business i watch him fight and love to watch him fight he is great at what he does and will remain undefeated

kevinm1981 05-02-2010 12:15 AM

told you guys. bring on the PAC MAN!!!!

king06 05-02-2010 01:08 AM

Mad respect to Mayweather.

Colten79 05-02-2010 02:18 AM

Mayweather won... again.. can't wait for him to beat pacman's ass, so everyone can stop all the non-sense

brandon 05-02-2010 02:25 AM

so bcuz i think hes good im on his nuts then sounds like your on pacs nuts :icon_eek:. but no need to talk shit over the internet we'll jus wait an see what happens. But if pacman is so sure hes gonna win he would do the test. you pacman fans act like it gives mayweather an advantage..well it probably does cuz then pac cant shoot up b4 the fight. but anyways back to the fight mayweather stayed on his feet in the 2nd round after getting caught twice when most fighters would go down and went on to win every round jus showing how good he truely is with his lightning fast countersvand making it look so easy.

emgee420 05-02-2010 06:12 AM

wont happen as long as he thinks hes above the rules set by the nevada boxing commission

honduh_head 05-02-2010 08:45 AM

man you are one ignorant mother fucker.

1) you started the shit talking with your "fuck all you haters" comment. don't say stupid shit if you aren't ready for repercussions...

2) steroids don't work like that. you can't "shoot up before the fight" and it be out of your system 2 hours later when they take another drug test. if you read any of the articles about the pac vs gayweather fight last year you would have seen that gayweather's camp was completely out of line and childish. all it was about was to put a seed of doubt in everyone's minds, it had nothing to do with actually keeping steroids out of the fight, whether they were even there or not.

acuragsr 05-02-2010 09:05 AM

fuken mayweather won fuck that dude

kevinm1981 05-02-2010 09:16 AM

I will take all bets against pacman.

boostedrex 05-02-2010 10:10 AM

Mosley looked very good the first couple rounds but after that it was all mayweather, i am not a fan of that amount of trash talk but until someone shuts him up ....

I know boxing isn't like it used to be 10/15 years back and the level of potential out there is slim to none but no matter what he is the greatest fighter of this generation, not a ton of top notch fighters but really who is out there that he hasnt fought.

The pacman fight will happen, there is just too much money there for it not to. Pacman is the only person out there right now that has a chance to beat him but keep in mind no matter who mayweather has or has not fought, he has NEVER LOST or NEVER BEEN KNOCKED DOWN. I would love to see him get his ass kicked but to be all honest i dont know if even pacman can do it

kevinm1981 05-02-2010 04:26 PM


brandon 05-02-2010 05:48 PM

dood any1 cant talk shit over the internet theirs no repercussions idc about u or ur opinion im not gonna talk shit cuz you'll delete my account but im not ignorant i just think mayweather will beat paq. i understand ur opinion about the test, and if there is a fight I'll be glad to bet u.

ICD 05-02-2010 07:50 PM

As much as I don't like mayweather and his cocky attitude. Dood is a fuckn beast and his record is just insane and has stupid skill. I just want the paq fight to happen

2.0eg-si 05-02-2010 07:55 PM

xMOFUCKIN 2 he is badass and i bet he will fawk paq up!

NAKSUKAW 05-03-2010 03:59 AM

its gotta be a set up....
Mosley vs Mayweather was set up!!! Mosley practically had Mayweather in the 2nd round and Mayweather wrapped up Mosley's arm to prevent falling and being hit anymore cuz he was hit so hard! On another punch, Mayweather even buckled! Then Mosley ended up backing off his attack the rest of the fight...kinda weird! Mayweather did punch Mosley a grip of times, but NOT once did he ever get Mosley to buckle or even get close to finishing him...kinda sorry! Just shows that Mayweather is truely quick, but has no power in his punch! It took him how long too knockdown Hatton? 10 rounds...and PAC did it in what...1!!! Cmon now! So if these two ever meet, u know Mayweather is going down cuz he can't take a punch...and PAC hits way harder then Mosley...and Faster too! Even with Delahoya, Mayweather couldn't even finish him...but with PAC...he freaking made him give up and even retire! ...He won't even have the chance to try and cheat by doing that gay azz stuff he did with Mosley and try to hug him when he gets hit...Mayweather will be on the ground already! Enuff said!!!

brandon 05-03-2010 08:28 AM

yeah a set up:facepalm: and he cant take punches? hes never lost or been knocked down they must of all been set ups

AZ_CIVIC 05-03-2010 08:52 AM

I got to say Mosley looked good out of the gate, first round he won. Second round he hit Mayweather pretty good and Mayweather was stunned and held Mosley's arm for a second. Mayweather was able to last even when Mosley hit him a second time that round but still Mayweather held on. From there Mayweather ruled every round from 3 to 12 and mid rounds could have knocked Mosley out.

Either way just looked at how accurate Mayweather was and how many punches he landed. Mosley was exhausted after round 4 and just couldn't do anything, Mayweather was just to much.

As for Pac Man, like Mayweather said if he takes the blood test, there will be a fight, which is totally fine. Like Mayweather said he wants to fight on an even playing field. Mosley was subjected to the same tests as Pac Man and Mosley did it because he had nothing to hide. Even Mosley said Pac Man should take the blood test. Steriods can be detected thru piss, but some HGH supplements can only be detected thru blood and that is why Mayweather wants him to take blood test.

Pac Mans excuses for not doing the test is he is afraid of needles, even though he has tatoos, he also said it would drain him to much, which is also BS. I think that Pac Man and Mayweather is a must fight now and hopefully they can come to an agreement.

NAKSUKAW 05-03-2010 11:30 AM

yup its all set up....hahaaa...u say Mayweather has never been knocked down...he got knocked down by Zab Judda and he even put his right hand down to prevent him from actually falling all the way down...set up though cuz the ref didnt even call it, but it was all over the replays! aNyways...he's never lost cuz he cherry picks who he fights...he didn't even fight Cotto! PAC fights anyone....then knocks them out! Mayweather has skills, but no finishing skills to knock people out like PacMAN>..

2.0eg-si 05-03-2010 11:54 AM

lolzers at the set up comment!!! :rofl:

we will see..if mayweather beats bitch ass paq it will be a set up right? but if paq wins than its legit? go back to watching WWE than you can call that fake

king06 05-03-2010 12:50 PM


kevinm1981 05-03-2010 01:27 PM

I'm with you on these points. Mosley was probably paid and mayweather WILL get smashed. Maybe not koed but he will get dominated by the pacman!!!

AZ_CIVIC 05-03-2010 02:19 PM

Well Pacmans last fight against Clottey went 12 rounds and Pacman didn't knock him out. I also think Mayweather is a better fighter then Clottey as well. So I don't think he will destroy Mayweather, especially if Mayweather can make it past the first 3 rounds that is exactly when he turns it on.

I think it would be a great fight.

AZ_CIVIC 05-03-2010 02:24 PM

Mayweather may not have fought Cotto but, Cotto lost to Pacman, Cotto got his butt beat down by Margarito and Margarito got beat by Mosley and Mosley just got beat by Mayweather. Plus Pacman didn't knock Clottey out in his last fight, it went 12 rounds. So we will see how the cards play out and see if Pacman is willing to take blood testing for HGH, which he wouldn't do for Mayweather.

super_civic 05-03-2010 03:24 PM

IMO Mayweather does come off as an overconfident and pretty cocky guy, but he is a GOOD boxer. If you were 41-0 you would probably get a little arrogant too. Outside of a boxer's training regement I don't really have an interest in what they do outside of the ring, and why should we? Does Tiger Woods cheating on his wife effect his amazing golfing ability? Maybe, but probably not, either way he's still a fucking good golfer.
To those who think Mosely threw the figh: if in fact Mosley let himself be paid off and lose the fight, then his fans should be dissapointed with him for not having the integrity to give it his all in the fight.

I think it will be a very interesting fight to see Mayweather vs. Pacquiao, both are very fast strikers and both have incredible cardio, where Mayweather lacks in Power he makes up for in defense, but on the other hand Pacquiao has outstanding power and offense.

Mayweather vs. Pacquiao will be THE fight to watch. All the shit-talk/drugtest/bullshit goes out the window when they step in the ring. (If they do lol)

NAKSUKAW 05-03-2010 03:58 PM

fake as hell..u just said Mayweather says in his interviews..."dah" u dumb fuk!" LOL...mayweather himself was in WWE awhile back and u talking about fake! U must be lost...If Paq wins...or shall I say WHEN he wont be fake cuz Mayweather will be on the ground for everyone to see....UNLESS he plays the whole cover up defense game as Clottey did....then that will be a boring azz fight!

NAKSUKAW 05-03-2010 04:00 PM

paid off...
if I were paid Mosley and paid off to throw the fight...shoot, I'd do it for the right amount of cash! I ain't stoopid! LOL! But we'll see whats up with the fight between PAC and Flloyd!!!

kevinm1981 05-03-2010 04:02 PM

Pacman will wreck him. Time for him to get schooled.

No one should talk shit about floyd as a person though. His nickname is money, if he never acted like that you think he would of made that much money?????? Boxing has down hill fast ever since mma got big. imo pacman is the only guy worth watching present day.

NAKSUKAW 05-03-2010 04:03 PM

this post is hella seems that everyone is getting all pissed off...hahahaa...anyways...GO PACMAN!!! If your into winning fights and talking trash about all your decision wins...then more power to u! Im all about the knockout and finishing the fight and less trash talkin! ...

kevinm1981 05-03-2010 04:06 PM

exactly punchers are the best to watch, i do like frotch too and aurthur abraham

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