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-   -   Who the F*ck is Glen Beck, and who the F*ck really cares? (

Atomic-Orange-Turbo-Sloth 02-17-2011 04:19 PM

i sometimes listen to him on 92.3 but once it goes to politics or the world ending so buy canned food by the ton then i switch.

die in a dick fire noob 02-17-2011 04:32 PM

anyone who makes this statement, “I have been nervous about this interview with you because what I feel like saying is, 'Sir, prove to me that you are not working with our enemies." is clearly in it for the ratings.

the back story is that he said this to Keith Ellison the first Muslim member of our United States congress.

proof that 1, either he just wants ratings (i personally believe to be true) or 2, he's a xenophobic discriminator.

i mean you take your pick? yeah i can really get behind someone who is as close minded to say that to someone because they don't believe in his religion, which is mormonism btw, i guess that fits right in with the mesa/gilbert/chandler crowd right?

lil black Ek9 02-17-2011 08:32 PM

I'm honestly amazed that you keep not saying anything. Dude all I'm asking is for you to say what he has said that you think is wrong. And as for ignorant not even remotely close, I can see that you are. I know your entitled to your opinion and am not mad for you stating yours but at least explain your opinion I mean shit. Like me saying I hate you because your ignorant and make up lies about everything and you suck dick and are a pussy but then not telling you why I think that. That's all I want to know what are your opinions and why. But you had to post some stupid retarded ass fucking comments that make you truy look like dumbass. I'll say it one more time for the slower people in this thread post what it is that he said that is untrue and reason why you don't like him, that's all I want to know....:th_supergay:

gunsup0331 02-17-2011 08:38 PM

On the muslim guy thing I'm pretty sure he had reason to be suspicious. If you listen to his talk show once in a while you will realize just how much research goes into his work.

Anywho...still waiting for a valid refute to any of glenn becks claims, predictions, opinions, insight, etc. And while I'm on the topic obviously you should take ANY advertisement with a grain of salt. Regardless of who is talking

lil black Ek9 02-17-2011 08:45 PM

Your a straight fucking moron, yea he is in it for the ratings that's it. I mean have you ever ern watched his show? And I'm sorry but with all the shit going on and the shootings at military bases from Muslims that were serving in our army I would be a little sketched out to but I'm not a politically correct bitch that gets offended by everything. Watch his show just one full episode and see how he talks and what he says. And if your even remotely intelligent you will see it's not for ratings.

riceboy88 02-17-2011 08:51 PM

WRX666 02-18-2011 02:27 AM

in conclusion....
glen beck is an idiot..hell suck dick for ratings and hes a hypocrite his followers are just as clueless.
the end


theAngryMarmot 02-18-2011 06:34 AM

This is providing me with entertainment.

I, will allow this to continue.

All_Hail_White_Powa 02-18-2011 06:46 AM

reporter voice: mr paul, sir mr paul, can you tell me why glen beck is your hero?

paul(clintons voice): i did not have any sexual relations w/ that man

reporter: mr paul can you please state why glen beck is is more of a moron then skys 88?

paul(clintons voice): i did not inhale!!!!!!!!!! now can we move on to better topics then blowing off skys88 penis now? thank you. and by the way glen beck is a faggot. (waves w/ thumbs up)

gunsup0331 02-18-2011 07:37 AM

Wow I'm glad you were able to cobble together this introspective viewpoint which completely justifies your heretofore baseless, nonsensical squealings

Bravo sir, hats off to you

Still waiting...links don't count because the act of interjecting some random third party opinion does nothing to validate your own. In fact your complete and utter lack of intelligent, objective contribution to the topic glaringly exposes your blatant disregard for knowledge.

All_Hail_White_Powa 02-18-2011 07:53 AM

damn, you use vocabulary very well sir

Rufus 02-18-2011 11:08 AM

I just saw Glenn Beck sucking a dude's dick in an alley!

All_Hail_White_Powa 02-18-2011 11:43 AM

wonder ifhe tasted oprahs ball sack......................

VTECin5th 02-18-2011 12:52 PM

Wow. Glenn Beck is a garbage eating turd. I am overwhelmed with this thread. Really? I mean.. but really?

Some people in this thread are mad because they don't agree that Glenn Beck is a complete fool, but there's no justifying it. He's a crybaby whiner bitch. I wish he would get off the radio/tv and die.

I don't give a shit about politics, and don't have an interest in either side... but Glenn Beck is disgusting.

die in a dick fire noob 02-18-2011 01:29 PM

So i come back with my opinion and a piece of evidence for my opinion and that makes me an idiot?

there is no justification for mindless discrimination based on someone's beliefs. which is funny to me because you're perpetuating it here by discriminating against me for my beliefs.

the valid reason he had for questioning the congressman's views was that he's a hate monger, plain and simple.

lil black Ek9 02-18-2011 01:32 PM

Yet another useless post, maybe you will be today's winner. Your question is, why do you find him disgusting?

die in a dick fire noob 02-18-2011 01:33 PM

is this stuff a bunch of words that don't make sense in context day because they sound big?

what part of his statement was introspective? why would it be "heretofore baseless" ... that would mean "before now baseless". the only part that really made sense was nonsensical squealing but then you put an s on it which was unnecessary.

shit like this is showing "blatant disregard for knowledge." isn't it.

lil black Ek9 02-18-2011 01:35 PM

Oh calm your dick, no ones discriminating against anyone. You did post some kind of point and that's fine, but then going to say its all for ratings and all the other non sense in your post warrants the reply you got.

lil black Ek9 02-18-2011 01:41 PM

:facepalm: funny how you have yet to post anything of importance. Just proves how retarded people actually are, can't even state a valid reason why they hate someone/something.

WRX666 02-18-2011 01:50 PM

brool cory stow

u mad?

WRX666 02-18-2011 01:52 PM

Thread hooks..
-guy posts thread about glen beck
-people tell him hes a fucking douche bag and a hypocrite.
-op has glen becks dick in his face so he cant read the truth.
-op continues riding his dick
-other azht glen beck riders jump in for the orgy.
the end

Rufus 02-18-2011 01:59 PM

All_Hail_White_Powa 02-18-2011 02:11 PM


All_Hail_White_Powa 02-18-2011 02:22 PM

[quote=lil black Ek9;2326005 And it's the Obama administration that's fucking all of us not bush. But you probably still think bush is in office and it's all his fault because hats what most of you think.

that right here shows how retarded your being in all this man. ok. do you really think obama is fucking this all up? hes a fucking puppet. bush did fuck alot up just like clinton did and bush senior. conspiricies in some terms i think are very true. 9/11 i think was a inside job, and made lots of ppl money, like bush. obama doesnt know what hes doing. hes just doing everything that everybody wants. glen beck is just saying things that ppl like yopu want to hear.

chambersef8 02-18-2011 03:13 PM

Glenn Beck's on now if anyone cares to check it out...

die in a dick fire noob 02-18-2011 03:33 PM

i posted two possible scenarios, if you choose to not accept the first then that means he must be the xenophobic discriminator right?

All_Hail_White_Powa 02-18-2011 03:40 PM

at work, no time.

VTECin5th 02-18-2011 08:21 PM

Look at your logic in this thread:
You like Glenn Beck?
Yes? Ok, cool.

No? Well, you fucking crazy idiot lefty useless/worthless poster guy!

See, you have left out room for opposition to the subject. Perhaps you should have started the thread with...
Subject: "Glenn Beck Fans, come in here and let's all dick-ride this guy together!!"
Post Content: "He is great, isn't he?".
(Report all posts that don't agree with you, because you can't challenge your own opinion of this apparent, God-like individual who somehow has made you believe he isn't full of shit.)

You calling people out for their disliking of Glenn Beck, and assuming it has to do with politics is not fair. You getting upset because your whole thread turned into a "Glenn Beck sucks dick" thread, is just the reality of it. You don't want to hear that, you don't want to challenge your mind.

Of course, in your mind, we are all dumb lefties (or insert any other word for Democrat).

You want to know why each person dislikes him, we all want to know what is wrong with your brain, for you to like/respect/believe him. He is fed bullshit and allowed to bullshit more, say extra bullshit and then start crying and get people to have a reaction. It's all about ratings. He doesn't even care what he says anymore.

Please answer the following questions truthfully:
Age: 17-21?
Ethnicity: 50%+ White/Caucasian?
Parents: Vote Republican?
Area: Heavily Caucasian? (Gilbert, Tempe, Chandler, Scottsdale, N. Phx)

I am curious because this is the usual pattern:

Someone believes a certain way, usually influenced heavily by parents, then, that person finds a group of people, or a person that represents their "ideas and beliefs". Rarely however, does this person have any true ideas or beliefs yet. Partially because of age and partially because of being spoon-fed their whole life. I want to be wrong about you.

There is no benefit to ANY of us telling you why Glenn Beck sucks in our opinion. You can't change your view, you can't change your opinion of him right now. That's ok, that's your right. But, for us to waste our time telling you "well, he's a fuck stick because...", you would just come back with "No, that's not true, lefty idiot loser!! He is always right on point! He is the best evAR!! GTFO my thread!! You're so full of shit!!"

There's nothing we could say to change your view, or even make you think about it. <- period.

lil black Ek9 02-19-2011 12:27 AM

[quote=skys88;2327780][quote=lil black Ek9;2326005 And it's the Obama administration that's fucking all of us not bush. But you probably still think bush is in office and it's all his fault because hats what most of you think.

that right here shows how retarded your being in all this man. ok. do you really think obama is fucking this all up? hes a fucking puppet. bush did fuck alot up just like clinton did and bush senior. conspiricies in some terms i think are very true. 9/11 i think was a inside job, and made lots of ppl money, like bush. obama doesnt know what hes doing. hes just doing everything that everybody wants. glen beck is just saying things that ppl like yopu want to hear.[/QUOTE]

You think 9/11 was an inside job? What would be the point? I mean honestly.

lil black Ek9 02-19-2011 12:43 AM

So because of what you think I'll say is why you don't post any proof of why at he said is wrong? That's ridiculous, or maybe it's because everything that everyone has posted besides gunsup has been worthless. If you have actually read what I have posted over and over, I've been asking people to post proof of how he is ignorant, lying , bullshit. I've said again agian if you have proof of him being wrong I would like to hear it. And fuck you for saying anything about anything about me. I watch his show yes, but then go and research what he talks about to find out if it's true and it is. So the facts are lying too I guess? The vast amount of info on the people are all fake just so glen beck can get ratings? I mean really? All the shit that he says about what ALL the LEFTIST/PROGRESSIVES have said is taken from there own speeches and there own books/writings. Get real man all I'm saying once again, is if you have actual facts about him being wrong ( and not third party opinions) then post it. Maybe you will understand it the millionth time I say it. I do my own research, i don't just listen then beileve it. So get your head outta micheal moores ass before you post again.:th_supergay:

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