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boostdek 09-01-2010 08:11 AM

do i hear CHEECH N CHONG band??? lol

sworth9411 09-01-2010 01:06 PM

Yeah dude scene is full of faggots trying to prove themselves.....its in north phoenix I may or may not go my buddy kyle is on tour with them right no I am for sure going to the ghost inside in late september PM me if you wanna roll with....


taketurns 09-06-2010 09:45 AM

its fucking hilarious. i told my girlfriend before i went how i dont go to shows anymore because of the drama, and the first show i go to in over a year someone starts a fight then everyones talking about guns and shooting each other.

coast to coast 09-06-2010 05:09 PM

hey what bout august burns red? i seen someone said acacia strain i seen them and gwar at the house of blues in south carolina and someother joke band. always thought gwar was weird until i seen them pretty badass show, and the drummer for acacia strain plays soooo fast and hard he breaks sticks like every 30 seconds pretty cool...o and a lil older stuff since im from east coast how bout blood for blood or suicidal tendencies??

taketurns 09-06-2010 06:19 PM

august burns red sucks. b4b is cool, except for all the tough guy shit they draw.

coast to coast 09-06-2010 06:27 PM

ya the tough guy shit was cool when i was younger but now its whatever

sworth9411 09-06-2010 09:57 PM

Blood for Blood....we used to see those guys what seemed like almost every weekend growing up.....but I did live next door to Mike Score from All Out War which probably helped......still my favorite band possibly ever......although more metal

Speaking of that After the burial, Animals as Leaders are currently in the mix as far as metal...

Your Demise and Deez Nutz some awesome old school hardcore from down under and across the pond....if you havent checked these guys out your seriously missing out.

Ghost Inside in two weeks any one on here going?

taketurns 09-06-2010 10:05 PM

im still waiting for with honor to come again. :/

sworth9411 09-06-2010 10:32 PM

They broke up a billion years ago? Their EP for stillborn is still one of the most genuine albums to come out in like 20 years.....great band I never hear anyone out here into them you from the east coast?

taketurns 09-06-2010 10:56 PM

no, im from here. i have with honor lyrics tattooed on me, favorite band. and yeah, i know they broke up. i was devastated and it was around the same time champion broke up too, which made it even worse. 2 of the best posi bands ever, gone.

sworth9411 09-07-2010 10:42 AM

hahaha for real money in hardcore I went and saw bane a few weeks back and it just made me really sad.....very few kids there and they didnt even look like they were having fun.

how the scene has changed.

taketurns 09-07-2010 11:15 AM

i was there and i had a blast even though it was insanely hot with 100% humidity, i didnt care. im always into it. and bane has never been into it for money, those dudes have been touring non stop for years and it has never stopped them. money makes people do stupid shit, like sell out and make terrible music just to appeal to the masses of mainstream. this is all common knowledge, but bands like bane have never tried to change into that.

NETTONGUE 09-13-2010 03:16 PM

its that skrilla man. it seems to not be about the music anymore more. i havent been to a show in a cooons age but i havent found a reason to go watch someone play in awhile. its sad to say but i used to love going to watch and buy merch to support bands and chit chat about silly shit but now if it aint on my day off im prolly not going. it be nice to see some integrity rollin through on a tour but i got a better chance of seeing the devil himself.

2poor2tune 09-13-2010 10:01 PM

ill be there with my usual show friend haha. i saw your demise a couple months ago at a show that TDWP was supposed to headline for but ended up leaving the tour for THE ONE DAMN SHOW I WENT TO SEE! they had a festifal to be at in colorado so miss may i headlined and it was there first time and they killed it. it was a really good show except i have noticed how gay shows are in the phoenix area. people leave after they hear the one band they went to see. wheres the support? the ghost inside should be good aswell

dannykhaos 09-14-2010 04:19 PM

what happened at bane i missed it???

sworth who are you?? i live two miles from the nile too well maybe like 4

LadyLockness 09-14-2010 07:49 PM

why u gotta shut me down with no techno hardcore hahaha

sworth9411 09-14-2010 09:23 PM

Haha sorry Im into Daft Pun and anything on Eadbanger but most techno just doesnt appeal to me......

Danny....PMed you my digits hit me up anytime Im right at tempe mesa border.

EFfective 09-14-2010 10:14 PM

i've always liked b4b but due to there fsu affiliation i can no longer support them

haha sooo true case and point a7x

you didnt miss much bro, some kid got punched on the dance floor and came back like an hour later with a bunch of people trying to start shit, nothing happened and at some point earlier my boy from tucson pulled a hunting knife on some kids that jumped him. typical dumb shit

sworth9411 09-14-2010 10:20 PM

^must have missed that......jesus....guess I was a bit preoccupied.

On a more serious note;

Sept 26 Despised Icon last tour ever....
October 17 The Ghost Inside with First Blood and Deez Nutz
October 24 Comeback Kid

I'm going to all of these anyone wanna roll?

taketurns 09-14-2010 10:22 PM

first blood would be cool, never liked comeback kid and never listened to the others.

sworth9411 09-14-2010 10:29 PM

Ghost inside will change your life....seriously awesome band....

I'm gonna rock comeback kid to check it out.....their new shit is so fucking horrible but maybe they'll play some oldies....

Despised Icon, IMHO was one of the most underated bands in the metal / hardcore scene that never blew up the way they should have.....check them out if you can seriously talented dudes

taketurns 09-14-2010 11:17 PM

exact band i had in mind actually. sounding the seventh trumpet was one of the first hardcore/metalcore albums i listened to.

sworth9411 09-15-2010 12:02 PM

I am the first to admit Im not a A7X fan ever but if you were in their position wouldnt you do the same thing? They went from playing clubs to stadiums and making a career out of music rather than a hobby I know given their situation I wouldnt have chosen differently.....
Just my 2 cents....

Dirt McGirk 09-15-2010 06:55 PM

Ill be at despised icon for sure.

Wazowski 09-15-2010 09:57 PM

They put on the best show ever. You won't be disappointed. October 1st, Stick To Your Guns with For The Fallen Dreams at The Rock in Tucson.

dannykhaos 09-15-2010 10:08 PM

ill be at comeback kid... good lign up
and maybe ghost inside depends on work

sworth9411 09-15-2010 10:41 PM

ghost inside is gonna be ridiculous...hit me up for comeback kid lets hang out..

EFfective 09-15-2010 11:23 PM

going mainstream is one thing but making terrible music altogether is another. i would consider hatebreed fairly mainstream but they're still able to make good music

2poor2tune 09-16-2010 12:37 AM

STYG see you there

EFfective 09-16-2010 10:43 PM

james liked them^ :(

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