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apSquidFace 06-11-2013 05:42 AM


Miracle711 06-11-2013 04:13 PM

That's intense! Hope you get there one day. :)

jakellama123 06-11-2013 05:11 PM


jdmrex1 06-11-2013 06:45 PM


So today is my cardio I did 2mile run and ended it with 20 minutes on the bike on hill mode.

Fuck I couldn't feel my ass after I got off the bike. This is my second time doing the bike.
I usually just go hiking on my cardio days.

failedabortion 06-12-2013 08:43 AM

Thanks, I've got years before hitting that goal...But I have dropped another 3lbs and kept it off over the last 3 days so who knows.

Should do an azht group hike...I'd most likely be down.

jdmrex1 06-12-2013 01:47 PM

We should. I go every sunday morning.

bb4arson 06-14-2013 04:40 PM

Today was a little different. I tried making up for my missed day yesterday, so I thru In some extra work outs
Dead lift
135x8 straight leg
225x 10
315x 5
405x3 big pauses.

Dumbell Shoulder press

Behind the back barbell shoulder pres s. All the way to the traps
Calve raises on sitting down calf raise machine
2 45s X 12
3 45s X 10
4 45s x5
4 45s x6 with 3 pumps on tops. Kinda felt like I was cheating

Cable Tricep extension
100x 20 lol
160x 10
180 X 8
190 X 6

I worked out abs a little but that doesn't matter much

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failedabortion 06-20-2013 01:50 PM

have weighed 231 for the last few days, puts me at 29lbs lost from when I started three months ago.

PhxKid92 06-20-2013 04:38 PM

well laziness caught up to me again and i lost all my progress already, its hard when you have nobody to push you lol

Spec C 06-20-2013 06:08 PM

1badlst has been training with us. Can't wait to see this guy in a couple months. :)

clean4door 06-20-2013 07:14 PM

Could only imagine

failedabortion 06-20-2013 11:16 PM

Get back on it and find a way to motivate yourself without relying on someone else to push you.


PhxKid92 06-20-2013 11:34 PM

i need a workout buddy lol and it sucks not having nobody to spot you, iv gotten weight stuck on my chest a few times haha

Dirt McGirk 06-21-2013 12:51 AM

What gym do you go to?

I was working on chest today and towards the end of benching I decided to put up 315, which I haven't touched in months and I asked a kid to spot me, he stared at me for a second and said he was with his friends and walked away. Got 315 x3 anyway thanks to one of his not so douchy friends.

skar1.0 06-21-2013 12:55 AM

Wtf? That's fucked up I always spot when asked, especially since I've gotten stuck with weight on me before glad you got help though fucking kids these days

skar1.0 06-21-2013 01:10 AM

Look back at your pics before progressing, do you want to go back to that or keep inching forward? You don't have to max out every workout, its good to push yourself but push yourself to your own limits when you're alone work with what you can and slowly climb up. I've gotten used to working out alone now but if you're in the west valley I'll help you out sometime, i go to 24hr fitness.
Numbers from last night:
Dumbbell press
Dumbbell flies
Dumbbell shoulder press
Flat bench (chest was pretty sore after the dumbbell presses don't judge me)
135x5 (held for 5 count hovering above chest)
115x5 ''
225x8 (2sets)
315x3 (about thirty seconds in between each rep reset each rep)
Seated belt row
Dumbbell row
80x10 each arm
Then i did situps and pullups but i don't count those since i do them everyday, as well as calf raises and calf extensions (fuck you big calf guys)

bb4arson 06-21-2013 11:55 AM

I just recorded a form check video be ready to judge me
this was after i dead lifted

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Spec C 06-21-2013 07:23 PM

Video isn't working for me.

I had to deadlift 465 for 15 singles with 30 sseconds rest. Shit sucked.

bb4arson 06-21-2013 08:45 PM

Try looking at it again. I guess it uploaded as private the first time.

And Damn that's fucking gnarly

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Spec C 06-21-2013 09:04 PM

Form actually looks pretty good from what I can tell. Next time get one directly from the side.

Couple points to address would be :
Knees turning in. You want to externally rotate the hips and force the knees out slightly.

Secondly don't "yank" the bar off the floor like that. You can see you dip down taking the slack outof the bar then snap back. Ideally you want to preload tthe bar. You want to take the slack out of it, then pull .

bb4arson 06-21-2013 11:07 PM

Yeah I'll try that next time. I could adjust my phone proper next to.

Oops didn't mean to yank usually I am pretty good at not doing that.
I have a check list I hit before I go for a lift as you could tell I was prepping for the lift. Do you have like certain bullet points you think before you go for the pull?

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Spec C 06-22-2013 07:31 AM

One thing I have been doing is trying to run through any mental cues in my head before I grip the bar, this way I can just grip it and rip it.

I started to over think the lift a bit back before my meet, and my deadlift was going to shit. I would grip the bar and then spend a good 20 second down there running through all these things in my head, and end up missing the lift.

One of the more important cues you should be thinking about is "chest up".

bb4arson 06-22-2013 12:03 PM

Thanks for the insight. I never really thought about the chest up thing. But makes sense.

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SiR Mikey 06-22-2013 01:21 PM

Its a pain in the dick, but try loading the bar on the floor. You lose a lot of energy unracking it like that. I used to roll each side up on a 10lb plate to load and unload.

Spec C 06-22-2013 01:35 PM

Yea and don't walk it in like that . lol

At least you put the thing down before pulling. When I saw it loadded in the rack I was waiting for the whole walk it out and bang it off the floor like a second rep. Seen that so many times.

One guy told me he could deadlift 500, he unracked it, drops down bounces it off the floor and barely gets back up to lockout. Tried to explain to this fool it's not a deadlift if you dont pull it off the floor. Lol There is no "dead" in what he did.

bb4arson 06-22-2013 04:23 PM

Haha yeah I know what you mean I have seen that many times. Don't worry I reset the weight every time.

I hate that they have these new hexagon weights. They are so uncomfortable. They get me out of my groove.

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failedabortion 06-27-2013 01:20 PM

bb4arson 06-27-2013 01:49 PM

Great job man you can see the weight lose in your face.

So today I hit my personal best on deadlifting 425x1 :-D
Took the advice yall gave me and got it first try.

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Spec C 06-27-2013 02:48 PM

Solid work FA. You look like a different person.

failedabortion 06-27-2013 03:40 PM

Thanks guys! Definitely feel like a different person...was looking at gyms downtown but holy fawk its like $80/month for golds...hoping to set some weightlifting goals for the rest of the year soon.

Great job on the 400+lb dead lifts! Hope to be above 400lbs again in the next year or two.

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