-   -   How long till this site just shuts down? (

Koopa Troopa 01-02-2015 08:11 AM

If it means anything Paul, I like you. You seem like the type of dude with whom I wouldn't mind sharing beers. I tried to be more active when I was in Arizona, but it just never worked out. Met some good dudes, but conflicting schedules and lack of money just made it difficult to socialize.

AZ_CIVIC 01-02-2015 09:56 AM

I don't think Paul is a bad guy either, he has his opinions on things and is very stubborn to change. However that is fine and I am not going to blame him for this site going to crap, it’s just that people do not want to post here anymore. I remember back in the day racing with guys like Dave Chan “owner of Import Powerhouse”, who also own RS Machines. Those guys used to race their drag CRX but literally stopped racing it back in 02, you also used to see other shops like UMS, Locash, TSR, Tri Tech, SRD etc. posting but not for a long time. Tri Tech went out of business like 4 years ago, Tony from UMS stills road races from what I understand but they never post, Dave from Import Powerhouse moved to California like 8 years ago along with a couple employees so it is now ran by Ramsey and you never see them post, SRD who way back in the day had the fastest turbo car is now racing an all motor J-Series which you see at every event but the 60 year old owner never posts here. TSR has his car down right now because he is building bigger and better things for his business same goes for Joe except he still is out racing at events, even guys like Jake have missed events because they are very busy with their businesses.

So when you think about it we have almost zero vendors who post on this site, meaning you never get to see cool stuff they are doing, building or coming up with. That in my opinion is a huge factor people don’t really come on this site. If you go on Honda Tech just in the drag racing section, you see a bunch of shops building fast cars, posting times and videos as well. Those types of things get people pumped to continue to work on their stuff and participate in sharing their results. People their actually care, my thread I put up on Honda Tech last year has well over 30k views and I may update it every couple months.

You also never see people post their builds because they say they are scared, which also reduces the number of regular users that post something cool to look at which is another huge site killer as well.

This means that the only posts we get to see is debates and grumbling threads and those get very boring if that is all you see. I bet if you had all the vendors posting up builds they are working on, races they are going to, things they are building and just got a lot more vendors to post almost daily you would see more people on here and maybe even see more people start to share their stuff.

BlueTeg 01-02-2015 10:52 AM

No mention of Dedspool. But even he has toned down quite a bit. :retard:

Koopa Troopa 01-02-2015 11:41 AM

I've posted a 290whp N/A DC5 ITR, and a VTEC Killer B16 EG6. I built it, but they did not come.* But yeah, I don't blame people for not posting their cars. I sure as shit wouldn't if I was local and had something worth stealing. Oh well. Hopefully I can contribute more to the project garage by this summer. New Years vacation period is over on Sunday, so I should be able to start registering the car on Monday. Thank fucking gawd because not being able to drive this car has seriously affected my mental health. Should have some awesome video up by the end of the month as well. We have a two day gymkhana event at Izena island. Saturday is an all day gymkhana driving course taught by a bunch of JAF All Japan pro guys, and Sunday is the normal event. However, I'm not expecting much from the car because:
1) I've had shit for seat time in it.
2) Doubt I'll have good tires on the car by then :(

*Bought is more accurate for the ITR; although, I've done far more work on that Integra in the one month that I've owned the car than the previous owner ever did.

theAngryMarmot 01-02-2015 12:47 PM

I hate it when my car is down, my whole mood changes.

My neighbors ask me "how can you stand to drive the car with no roof in this cold when you have the other normal car?"

I answer "Because the other car is normal."

I would rather freeze my balls off and drive the Miatar, then be stuck in the boring slushbox (and the corolla is a great car - just a boring one.)

S!K TEG 01-02-2015 01:13 PM

Fuck yes!!!! If this was Facebook and I could fuck it. I'd be fucking the yes button right now.

I use to enjoy driving around in my 89 Toyota tercel hatchback than my mx6; it was a fun car and great on gas.

I can't wait until I get a Suzuki cappuccino though!


I guess im a know it all uppity blow-hard Honda hater on a high horse while nutswinging!!! Yay

philycheese666 01-02-2015 07:43 PM

Dude I have been so miserable driving my '91 4dr Corolla. Automatic. +200k. Blown shocks. IT's not fun and I hate not being able to have fun in my car.

Crono 01-03-2015 12:37 AM

Sheep balls

H22apower 01-03-2015 12:48 AM

I love you all, nothing but pleasant times in here. 👍

Koopa Troopa 01-03-2015 01:07 AM

theAngryMarmot 01-03-2015 01:34 PM

I don't even have a top installed on mine.

Yes, it is a cold journey to work - but I actually like it. Refreshing.


And helps wake u up i imagine as well...

theAngryMarmot 01-03-2015 02:51 PM

It does. That and the confused look people give me is hilarious.

AZ Auto Werks 01-06-2015 10:03 AM

Miss this site!!

LoooseGSR 01-06-2015 08:20 PM

I will never get out of Hondas, I still don't think you can find a more budget minded easy to modify car. Sure, lots are pretty haggard which is most of the scene out here, but then again, so is the muscle car, mini truck, and any other make of enthusiast vehicle. There will always be few "quality" builds but those few inspire the rest of us. And everyone is doing their own thing. The ONLY part of this scene I despise is the fucking "stance" shit. It will NEVER look right on a Honda and more importantly, it's DANGEROUS.

I'll keep coming back here as long as the site is around, I'm OG and enjoy the nostalgia as well.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

1lowtacoma 01-06-2015 11:34 PM

i was about to post a current build picture... but then i membered i needed to log into photobucket... lazy....

LALO 01-07-2015 12:23 PM

The sizing limit when uploading photos should be updated. No one likes potato format.

theAngryMarmot 01-07-2015 03:47 PM

Photobucket sucks so hard. It used to be awesome years ago - but has become so inundated with ads and bloat that it is basically unusable. Especially compared to sites like Flikr.


When i want to post a pictue i use the tapatalk app, never gives me "unable to resize" error like the web forum software does.

Jangles17 06-26-2016 06:52 PM

I've spent most of my of my life between ages 16-25 on this site I miss the good Ole days

Rufus 06-27-2016 10:19 AM

How do you have no posts then?

BlueTeg 06-27-2016 08:49 PM

Ultimate lurker status!! LOL

LS-S DA9 06-27-2016 09:18 PM

I lost A LOT of posts (post count) having cba Chris delete a bunch of my old ass beginner threads and such. They were just old ass shit wasting space on the internet/azht storage lol

Sent from my spaceship using Tapatalk

Rufus 06-28-2016 10:11 AM

I'm just here until I hit 20k. Then I'm going to rocket myself to the moon

TheVolta 06-29-2016 12:46 PM

You also have to take in account of other websites essentially taking the spot of forums now. I have seen a decline of a lot of forums I used to post on due FB taking the majority of the traffic. SWIC (Subaru forum) used to have a shit ton of posts and traffic, but now local Subaru FB groups swallow all of the classifieds and shit posting now.

No one really does build threads anymore and it seems like the majority of people just post small tidbits to Facebook or Instagram. I was never into the Honda scene until pretty recently so I cant really comment on that, but forums in general have taken a huge hit.

I love reading nice build threads and seeing the progress of someones ideas come to life, it makes you appreciate all the hard work and time they put in to get to the end product. There are some Honda owners out there that will put a lot of time and effort into making a great looking car, but you are talking about a vehicle that has a very low entry fee to purchase so the majority of people putting money into these cars are going to cheap out on parts anyways.

TL:DR Facebook ruined forums.

Koopa Troopa 06-29-2016 06:28 PM

Forums will be back once everyone realizes there's nothing of value in the Facebook groups, and if there is, you'll never find it because it will be burried in a sea of "do these rimz fit" posts. Want to bring membership back to a site? Quit giving people free information and set it so that only members can see the forum.

I don't really do forums anymore simply because I primarily deal with cars where everything was already done a decade or more ago. Now if I have a question, Google will answer it for me.

*inFamous* 06-29-2016 09:06 PM

I hope facebook blows up. Then AZHT will rise like a phoenix lol

BlueTeg 06-29-2016 09:31 PM


ph8ed4life 09-02-2016 04:36 PM

You and me both, man! But I fear Facebook has become self aware and it's only a matter of time before it launches the bombs against the human race...

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