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Littlejon1378 03-19-2013 12:48 PM

YOLO, you only lifted once.... BRO

1badLst 03-19-2013 01:04 PM

I leave for a month and I come back, and its noob/troll central in this bitch. 03-19-2013 01:10 PM

Glad to see you're back, my schedule finally stabilized. So I want to work out again

1badLst 03-19-2013 01:16 PM

Nice. Once you get on a solid schedule and routine things start coming a long easier. 03-19-2013 01:18 PM

Well hopefully rufus or spec will be able to go

1badLst 03-19-2013 01:23 PM

your out chandler way right? I'm all the way up in north scottsdale. You guys are a decent trek for me. 03-19-2013 01:56 PM

Yea otherwise I would have hit you up first

BB6 SwAg 03-19-2013 02:05 PM

Yessir. But I would only do that about a month then change up the groups. Like chest/Back, shoulders/Arms, legs. Add some core work in every other day. You gonna get on a nutrition plan at all?

Spec C 03-19-2013 02:11 PM

What kind of results are you going to see from a month on a program? It takes time. If your programming is correct you should be able to run the same program for YEARS. Once you find a legit, well sorted program.
I would not change shit for 6 months MINIMUM.

For example going into the gym, and doing a bunch of shit, willy-nilly, with no rhyme or reason, is not a well sorted program. 03-19-2013 02:28 PM

At this point, a disciplined time schedule, reducing portions, and a good set/rep list is my initial goal.

I am short and stocky so leaning and getting toned are very difficult. Especially without that 19 year-old metabolism lol.

Spec C 03-19-2013 02:37 PM

Crossfit braaaaaah!

BB6 SwAg 03-19-2013 02:46 PM

Just giving him a idea. Muscle confusion. Keep the body guessing. I never said anything about doing shit "Willy nilly" in my opinion, I don't like anyone going to the gym without some kind of plan. Its just pointless. But remember OP its mostly nutrition. 03-19-2013 02:53 PM

I recall reading about muscles "remembering" your workout pattern. I mixed up the actual exercises but stayed consistent on the days. I feel like the recovery time is important

BB6 SwAg 03-19-2013 03:02 PM

Anytime you change anything. It helps in my opinion. And get your 8-9 hours of sleep a night..

Spec C 03-19-2013 03:08 PM

Again a well sorted plan should have variety. Muscle confusion is some dumb bullshit p90x term. Your muscles don't get

There is something called "The law of accommodation" however and you can benefit from a change in stimulus but this is not a problem for most people.

And "it's mostly nutrition" means what? What is mostly nutrition? (not being a dick, just asking for some clarification).

As my lifting partner would say "Stop majoring in the minors". Get a plan, go in there, and lift shit up. If you are a noob-intermediate lifter, being worried about nonsensical shit like "muscle confusion" is crazyness. IMO. 03-19-2013 03:12 PM

I'm wanting to do the last part, that's why I posted in here to see if anyone wanted to join. I kinda need the kickstart unfortunately

BB6 SwAg 03-19-2013 03:15 PM

Well my friend, you are in fact "being a Dick". Just trying to help a guy that's got questions about lifting. Mostly nutrition means exactly what it says. If you get on a solid plan and work out with a solid plan then your gonna see results. If you eat like a fat ass then you won't. Lol idk what your asking? I'm just giving him general knowledge. Didn't know you needed a degree to voice a opinion on a forum Haha...

Spec C 03-19-2013 03:24 PM

Ok now I will be a I asked for clarification because "mostly nutrition" means NOTHING without explanation of what you are talking about.

Getting very lean. Yes is "largely" influenced by diet.

Getting strong. No not mostly nutrition.

Getting big. Depends what you define as "nutrition". Food sure. Eating "clean" not always.

Not everyone cares about looking like an Abercrombie and Fitch poster boy.

So if your goal is to just get strong as fuck, "nutrition" in the sense that I think you are using it, means just about dick.

So instead of being a jack-off, clarify yourself. That is why I asked.

Spec C 03-19-2013 03:27 PM

Here is one of my lifting partners. By your logic, that results = mostly nutrition, he should be a weak puny bitch. lol Guy eats whatever he wants, and as much as he wants.

Now if you are talking about getting shredded, then YES, a lot comes down to your diet.

BB6 SwAg 03-19-2013 03:35 PM

Well jackass, I figured since he said he wanted to get lean. you read enough to know that, when I said "mostly nutrition" it ment in that since. He said himself he wants to get leaner first. No need to start insulting people.

Spec C 03-19-2013 03:48 PM

You can get "leaner" without any special nutritional changes if you go from sitting on your ass all day, to actually expending energy. He didn't say he wanted to be shredded or anything. Just lean up.

So again, no.

Getting lean beyond a certain point, sure.

So instead of being an immature bitch, just answer the question, and clarify yourself. That is what adults do in a big boy conversation.

BB6 SwAg 03-19-2013 03:52 PM

Lol. Sorry brroooo I figured you could read. ;) no hard feelings?

Spec C 03-19-2013 03:54 PM

Obviously you are too dense to get it.

BB6 SwAg 03-19-2013 03:56 PM

P.S. I hate when people do bicep curls in the squat rack...

Spec C 03-19-2013 03:57 PM

Why? It causes muscle confusion.

skar1.0 03-19-2013 04:01 PM

Bazinga! 03-19-2013 04:11 PM 03-19-2013 04:12 PM

Lifting is sometimes difficult because I have shorter arms and limited rotation of my shoulders (no clue why)

so this should be interesting

PhxKid92 03-19-2013 04:15 PM

spec do u have any videos of yourself lifting?

skar1.0 03-19-2013 04:17 PM

Check the 2013 thread he's posted a few

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