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failedabortion 05-11-2015 08:49 PM

-500kcal/day= 1lb/week

Get your rough maintenance and start there.

Lift to keep the gainz while cutting, just don't be afraid to lower the weight or intensity if you start feeling weaker.

IF is pretty much the only way I can stick with when cutting. Im usually anywhere from 12-22hr fasting windows lol 05-12-2015 07:30 AM

I added an hour of running/treadmill/eliptical at steep or high resistance along with cutting out the morning snack.

usdm420 05-12-2015 11:11 AM

Hit 230 this morning. 220's here I come.

failedabortion 05-12-2015 06:51 PM

Good job man! What was your original goal weight?

usdm420 05-13-2015 06:26 AM

Well I went in originally thinking 225 or so would be the sweet spot (started this "cut" at 247), but right now it's looking more and more like 200 or so lol

I still just have way too much flab around the gut. Not too sure I want to go that low though, I already feel small as fuck and I'm not trying to get 6-pack shredded abs or anything.....just trying to flatten out the stomach area.

I'll probably drop to 220, see what I look like, see how I feel...and go from there. The "END GOAL" of all of this is to be a swole ass 240-250. Still got a few years to go to hit that mark though. 05-13-2015 07:25 AM

right there with you on flattening the stomach some

I am happy to note that I am 180lbs with a lot less bf% than I had last year around the same weight when I first started hitting it hard.

Spec C 05-13-2015 09:36 PM

Definitely ends up being much more to lose than you initially think.

I just did a 3wk mini cut. First time in 2+ years I paid any actually attention to diet. Got into shape crazy fast. Pays to know what you are doing ;) haha

usdm420 05-14-2015 07:16 AM

Yeah I slip up a shit ton. That's MY issue. I had 3 family bdays in 2 weeks in late April.
Cake, ice cream, pizza....more cake...more ice cream....fuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Spec C 05-14-2015 12:27 PM

Na but honestly this is the easiest it's ever gone for me. I was actually really surprised. Usually it's a struggle to get where I'm at now.

I wanted to see if I could drop a weight class, but looks like it'd be tough.

I'm probably going to start slowly ramping calories back up. Push my weight back up to a leaner 210. 05-14-2015 12:44 PM

I am at 185, it seems like I could drop 8-10 around the mid section and be where I wanna be. why is it my legs and upper body don't store any fat lol

usdm420 05-14-2015 02:31 PM

Gut is just the last place you lose man...that's how it is. Sucks dick.

Spec, what was the next weight class down? 05-14-2015 03:02 PM

that sucks major dick, since I am short, it packs on SO QUICK and I get all wide. :mad:

Spec C 05-14-2015 04:35 PM

Next weight class down is 181. So I'd ideally need to be 195-6 and cut 15lb the last few days.

tony2010 05-18-2015 12:33 PM

Good updates guys. I just started counting my macros, and boy is it tough. Never knew how overweight I was until I tried to enlist. I am 5'8 190 pounds but I don't look "Fat" at all. So according to my height to weight requirement I need to be at 170 max and recruiter wants me at 165 to play it safe. I've always been active all my life and in "good shape." But now I am having problems trying to cut weight. So far I've lost 5 pounds in a matter of 3 weeks. Is that a fast rate or slow rate? I want to lose the necessary weight but also don't want to lose as much muscle mass.

usdm420 05-18-2015 02:14 PM

5lbs in 3 weeks is solid.

Spec C 05-18-2015 09:23 PM

BMI is retarded. I can't believe they even use that in this day and age.

tony2010 05-20-2015 11:31 AM

Thank you for input

I agree, I got a really good score on the ASVAB Pre-Test but because I am "overweight" they couldn't go any further unless I lose the weight.

Spec C 05-20-2015 02:55 PM

BMI is retarded. I am 5'8 205 with visible abs, and I would be considered obese by those standards..LOL

tony2010 05-20-2015 03:47 PM

lol seriously! The last time I was 165 was back in high school and that was 6 years ago. But I'll see where this takes me.

intel 05-22-2015 03:22 PM

im not a fan of unhealthy loss but if thats the case, just drop the water weight + some, use the sweatsuit in the sauna etc. Once you're past meps that weight wont matter. They'll keep track of it in basic but by then, who cares as long as youre keeping up.

failedabortion 05-27-2015 06:49 PM

My company gave us an option of higher insurance rates or enlist in some stupid health program this year. They use your bmi and keep calling me to set up "coaching", told them no after they told me to cut out carbs and that my bf% has nothing to do with my health...felt like I was listening to dr oz reruns...:crazy: 05-28-2015 07:21 AM

them feels when you are 5'5 and nearly 180

insurance wants to send an ambulance according to my BMI

usdm420 05-28-2015 09:59 AM

Caught the flu this weekend and boy did it progress my cut lol
I'm now down to 223 pounds. I think I'm gonna try to go to about 210....and THAT'S IT! If I'm still not happy with my tummy, fuck it. I already feel tiny as fuck and am getting weaker by the week. NOT COOL MAN!

LALO 05-28-2015 01:33 PM

Try 210 to 170 in 2 months.

I feel like the wind can take me.

PhxKid92 05-28-2015 02:19 PM

Nudes or lies :nutswinger: 05-28-2015 02:21 PM


it seems like you lose everywhere but where you need.

usdm420 05-28-2015 02:46 PM

To be fair, I was REALLY fat man lol
That shit was everywhere.

failedabortion 05-28-2015 08:01 PM

Yeah they want me at 183 or less...Its not hard to drop down to, just screws up my plans/goals.

usdm420 06-16-2015 12:38 PM

Chuck Chainz 06-16-2015 01:23 PM

You scare me.

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