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D_SPOT CHARLIE 01-28-2011 10:26 PM

Thanks and I could be wrong but lately i haven't had the best mind set or mood and haven't liked people to much for the last week and a half because of what has happened. Kinda extremely really pissed about all this stuff. And because a couple people have had issues doesn't make me a piece of of shit fabricator,no I am not the best but no I don't suck,..I .am not a scammer because I sold "fake parts" at a shop nor is the shop.
Ek9 I can appreciate that sometime you are kidding around talking shit to people because I do the same but the fact that my car and stuff was jacked isn't something to joke around about and I hope you can understand that

RICK's-TOWING 01-28-2011 10:27 PM

Anytime your parts lively hood an car are stolen. And you have to question your closest friends. That's a pretty good indication that there's some serious issues in ones life. Let the detectives sort this bullshit out.

D_SPOT CHARLIE 01-28-2011 10:34 PM

Oh and 1lowtacoma as far as ypu comment about the receipts I had an envelope with all the receipts I had in the car when it was stolen . I always kept them in the car as well as my title as well.I never planned on my car getting stolen so it was a "safe" place for it all some I never parked my car anywhere where I was more than 50 from it other than when it was in my garage .

RICK's-TOWING 01-28-2011 11:05 PM

Karma. This isn't karma. Noone deserves the have there personal affects stolen. Ever! Charlie doing bad work. Come on. People know this before they pay. They just ignore the quality and fixate on the price tag. Who's the idiot. Charlie or the person paying for shit. This is a day old story. If I had a dime for every unhappy d spot customer. Id have about $1 20. you people that buy these parts should know what the fuck you paying for. I have no sympathy for that. What do you have cataracts. If alls I have to do is take shit on piece of ss an mark it down 100 bucks done deal. As far as rms. Give me a break. Knock of parts noooo fucking way?!?!?! Its like the thrift store for the import market.

*jdm monkey* 01-28-2011 11:56 PM

Charlie has fabricated some headers for me never had a problem with them or any of the buisness I've done with he's an outstanding guy and has helped me with watever I've needed no one deserves to have shit taken from them ever hope u get your shit back charlie

Honda4Life. 01-29-2011 12:18 AM



That I am sorry is just retarded! Why seriously would you keep that stuff there? That is just dumb!

I know you never "planned" on getting it stolen but as they say, "shit happens". People don't "plan" on getting in an accident either but, "shit happens". It's why they call it an accident.

Hello fire proof safe or a bank lock box for those items.

What if by some extreme instance, the garage containing the car burns down? You need to think about more situations than just it being "stolen" sorry to say.

I am sorry for your loss but that statement is just completely stupid to make or even think that way. It's like you're above anything/everything to think that way. You're human and you're not above anything. You're the same as everyone else.

Best of luck in the future. I hope lessons have been learned here.

civic nerd 01-29-2011 09:49 AM

Wow im sorry that happened man. But seriously, WTF WERE YOU THINKING!? Keeping your title in your car is like wearing your social security card around your neck. If they know a crooked notary and they got all the work done before you reported it stolen, then that car is pretty much theirs. You have to plan for the unthinkable. Im pretty sure no one expects to get their car stolen or get their house robbed. Plan ahead next time! IMO, the more your car is worth, the more security you should have, including home security. But I feel for ya! Good luck man!

bseries1320 01-29-2011 10:38 AM

damn,sorry to hear man.u trust these people and then they end up screwing you over for the shit you worked hard for,then just to have it taken away like a baby.hope u get ALL your parts,and car back

Branko 01-30-2011 10:42 PM


I've tried to have any sympathy for you, but I have NONE. I love how you are all saying charlie doesn't deserve this and that. Your house should of been burned to the ground with you in it. Why don't you take this as a lesson and start straightening up? First you should start by answering tylor's calls, consider you have his fucking evo in the garage which has been untouched, actually nothing has been done but it being torn down to a bare shell pretty much for a year 1/2. Let me ask you this charlie, how are you going to explain some of tylor's parts missing considering they were on your car? You say you put so much energy and all your money into your car..You're full of shit, half that car wasn't even yours. it was james's, tylors, scotts, and all the other people you fucked over in your life or the insurance jobs you did on peoples cars that you got shit out of to make money for this car. You should have been focusing on the evo, you know the car you have had for almost 2 years! not your own car. You think I'm stupid and didn't notice the gauges, bov, and all the other parts were from the evo? Or the fact that every time you told tylor that his motor was at the machine shop, all I had to do was turn around and look at the motor sitting on the bottom shelf. I just didn't want to tell tylor because he might have done something stupid. He has been so patient with you, and all you have done is fucked him over, lie and bullshit him. Theres no excuse you can even use for what you've done. Aside from fucking tylor over what about the other countless of people you've fucked over? You're a fucking scumbag, all you're good at is manipulating your words and people. Look where you're at now? You're blaming your friends for this shit. I'm glad to hear you can't sleep in your own home, you deserve to be on the fucking street. You can all go ahead and defend this faggot, but this guy is a low life piece of shit that you think is your "friend" and his white trash lil gf. I hope she is reading this to know the real charlie. you should stop lying to the ONLY person you really have left in your life. ya he has lied to you about sooooo much shit lacey. Like him saying tylor doesn't know what he wants to do with his car and thats why its not finished or how charlie didn't make any money off it, this stuff is all 100% a lie! he made so much fucking money off this car. How do you think he bought the welder, tool box, tools, k series, memery fab seats, the si shell, all the big tools he has in his house, hmmm thats about 10000 worth of stuff. Now you need to look at all the other shit he has lied to you about, why do you think charlie has no friends or his last relationship didn't work, not only because he fucks anyone and everyone over he possibly can but its ALWAYS FOR FUCKING CHARLIE! he has never done wrong his life it seems like, its always the other person that does wrong or the other people that have fucked him over! fuck that bullshit! half the people in the state of az hate this peace of shit! a lot of people in the US hate this peace of shit for when he used to work at rms and fucking gave all these people false promises to just get what his selfish ass wanted to get out of this. thats all he is he only thinks about his selfish self! makes me sick to my stomach even thinking about this shit! you should really open your eyes and look around you before you really back this peace of shit up. i only speak the TRUTH. I never thought it would come to this, considering you were pretty cool when i first met you (but maybe that was just a way to get tylors $40,000? yes that's forty thousand ). You have no job, you have no money, and you are in A LOT of debt to too many people. Whose to say this wasn't an insurance job? I'm surprised tylors evo was even left there, you should have just taken that too, made it easier on yourself. i honestly think you did do a insurance job charlie and i hope all the detectives see this stuff that everyone sees about you and tells your insurance and you dont get a fucking penny. You dont deserve anything but the heart ache and humiliation that you put on HUNDREDS of people that you fucked over in the past.

oh and wow wow wow, I just noticed you're saying some bullshit about receipts! lol are you kidding me! charlie you didn't have receipts for a damn thing on this car! what receipts would you even have! Half the shit wasn't even yours!
lets break the receipt list down shall we.
motor- fucked scott over on turbo kit for his car
head- was james that you never paid him for
turbo kit- bought with money you made when selling INSURANCE JOB s2k parts to the owner of afi
alllllll the anodized fittings- you stole from tanner at rms.
memory fab seats- bought with tylors evo money
aem gauges- took from tylors evo build
volk wheels- you bought with tylors evo money
brakes- ok you did buy them with your money but just used the owners at d2 but didnt have a receipt kept
AN lines- maybe bought, who knows.
intake manifold- you stole the material from afi before you left
fuel filters- off tylors evo build
fuel pump- you paid jo at locash cash and he didnt give you a receipt so nothing there.
takata harnesses- they where james's that you never paid him back for
sooo ya what were you saying about all these receipts???? oh yea you didn't lose them or they didn't get stole with the car. LOL YOU NEVER HAD ANY YOU IDIOT!



advert 01-30-2011 11:03 PM

o i love this...

king06 01-30-2011 11:17 PM

Dead Bird 01-31-2011 12:09 AM

ho o o o oly shit

taketurns 01-31-2011 12:17 AM

This is fucking awesome.

Pendulum 01-31-2011 12:35 AM

I'm glad someone is puttin' this chump on blast.

Sparkles 01-31-2011 12:41 AM

This is exactly why I check in here every so often! Lol!

D_SPOT CHARLIE 01-31-2011 01:00 AM

Lol.ya you know everything . you got me're about as smart as a box of rocksand think you know everything .. you can get on here and talk all the shit you want . I have had the volks,memory fab carbon seats,
for over 3 years,the motor was a trade to Scott for the turbo kit that IS currently on his car ,fittings were bought and paid for both from rms and from losers,fuel filters bought from lopers,turbo bov and wg were all bought from turboed direct not even the same as the evo ones that is all the old style shit I had all the new ones so ypu are wrong again,I never sold afi any stolen motors or s2k parts I sold him 2 legit motors 1 from hmo and another blown one from a clean car,the intake manifold material was bought from afi for mikes mustang years ago and mike gave it to me because he had no use I for it,oh and I also did have a job as many people on here know that I did make money every week that I spent on my car . so before youz come on here talking alllll this shit know all the facts correctly .. and yes I did have a boost gauge from the evo and James "takata harnesses on my car and the head from James that I was supposed to pay for his tune for his mustang which still doesn't have a motor in it ao that's kinda hard to do .

RHDDA6 01-31-2011 01:06 AM

1pt nick 1pt chuck ding ding round 2

Broskiballa 01-31-2011 01:31 AM


Branko 01-31-2011 01:52 AM

WRONG! come on now make up some more bull shit ass lies. first i dont talk shit i talk the truth. just so everyone can actually know who the real charlie is instead of the fake ass charlie he puts up for everyone.
the seats! they where in a k series crx that you did a turbo kit for 2 years ago so thats a lie. just like the k series, you got everything alllll at the same time, you know right after you got 40k from tylor. the volks you got at the same time if not right after that. 2 years ago not 3
you are correct the motor was a trade that you had with scott but he also had to spend THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS to get it where it is today because of the half ass hack job you did on it.
the fittings were not all paid for via words from the owner of rms.
the filters were not bought from lopers so don't try to lie because there is none for the evo when there was some 6 months ago. try again.
i didn't say anything about a turbo so dont try to sweeten thing up.
you are correct again about not selling afi stolen motors i said parts. learn to read. the rear end..... there are vin numbers on the rear end so he will probably be told about this and be checking on that. the 1 motor that was blown up was legit but you sold the kid a stolen motor, he got caught with it said he got it from you than you told the cops some bullshit about some dude in a s2k drove by all the time and he knew you worked on hondas and he "crashed" it and wanted to sell you everything. which thats wrong, you knew the car was a insurance job and didnt care because you were going to put eveything in your rwd si. so another false statement.
the intake manifold material was stolen from afi then you got if to mike so he could use it. You got it back agreeing you had to put it on either your si or rhd crx.
NEXT. not only did you have the boost gauge, you had his oil and afr gauge as well because they are all missing from the shelf now... hmmm kinda weird how that works,
and lastly the head and harnesses from james's car.... yaaaa you're wrong again sir. You were supposed to buy him all aem gauges for it. You guys talked about a tune but agreed on just the gauges because he felt bad for giving your ass such a great deal on the head he lost his ass on because you know he was supposed to be helping out a "friend" sorry about your luck chuck try again next time!
damn dude you have a big mouth and flaunt all your stuff to everyone mr loves attention for some twisted way. maybe you didnt get it as a child or whatever idk nor do i care. i just want everyone to know all the facts about mr chuck

and kelley it's branko, not nick. nick had nothing to do with this i did it on my own cuz im sick of all this pore charlie shit. its annoying and I want to throw all the FACTS out there so these people know not to feel bad for this kid. Yes Charlie, you are a fucking kid. Grow the fuck up already. MAN UP to your mistakes. I'm not gonna sit here and have an internet battle with you or anyone else, I've said what i needed to say. I would of confronted you in person about all of this, but you never seem to answer your phone. Is that maybe because the evo isn't even able to be towed yet?

S!K TEG 01-31-2011 11:21 AM

any pix of the car after it was found? if it was a insurance job the tear down would be planned out so no cut or ripped wires. also most likely damage to car. one thing i dont get is why was the car dumped in the day light? wouldnt it make sence to do it at night? also as stated before, a walk through of how the cops think it happed with pix of the crime seen as of damage of the doors or any forced entry. it'll help out with what people are saying and try to help oithers actually get facts.

zbm22 01-31-2011 12:07 PM

I secnd this statment but you have to understand ppl just don't learn even once caught some ppl dnt care about job applications cause they will always do shady shit for the rest of there life.

I'm not saying I have never done stupid shit everyone has but only the ppl who have things going for them in their life will learn from their mistakes. But the majority of them never will learn until they are 45 yrs old flipping burgers at burger king.

This is the one bad thing about the whole honda sence is you can talk to ppl at meets and be cool as shit but they will still follow you home and jack your shit. I will never understand it I'm not on hear talking shit about charlie or anyone else nor am I defending anyone just hear to do what this site is intended for to voice my opinion.

I feel bad because another honda has been taken off the streets its not the damn cars fault the owner may or may have not done some dumb shit. And with all that being said I will keep killing my battery on my phone everyday just to stay tuned and see were this hot as the arizona summer thread goes.

rIcHiEe 01-31-2011 12:55 PM

dam thats sucks shit like this make you think twice on owning a honda and on people

Ek-9 01-31-2011 01:01 PM

Lol I bet people will still try and say Charlie is alittle saint still and has never done anything wrong.

I find it funny, the people backing him are the people he hooked up with dirt cheap work. Which goes to show the mindset of out scene. Doesnt matter how much the dude is a scammer thief or POS, people will still go to him because he does cheap ass work.

Anybody who backs this dude is a dumbass.

And I love how you say you built scotts manifold which he still uses. LOL, goddamn your thick headed, That turbo manifold was built like shit at the collector and your custom intake manifold was a complete joke. You dont have to be a flow bench genouis to know that thing would have never flowed properly. They had to rework your work, to make it the way it is now.

Scotts a very nice man and handled the situation alot better than most people. Thats why you still think you should get some credit on that car. You shouldnt though.

E-KAY-BiiTCH 01-31-2011 01:58 PM

How about no body on this fucking site is a saint.

Half of you have done so much dirt & just lucked out & never got caught.

Stealing is stealing. Manipulating is manipulating. Lying is lying weather its small big, this or that.

U steal a car, its the same as u bought stolen parts knowingly & putting them on your car.

So how many of you on here are actually saints.

Get the fuck out of here with your shit. A guy with a car fulll of stolen parts gets it jacked & hes gonna be just as pissed & sad as a person who put money into there car. ( im not referring to anyone im just throwing this as an observation & example)

if someone says you can use the throttle body off of my car to put on yours since i have no use for it, then yea most of you would put it on your car. (once again just using this as an example)

not one person is perfect & your all fools if you can sit back & act like you've never done anything wrong.

One thing wrong is just as bad as another. Who fucking cares. The point is , the car got jacked...theres a reward for his parts.

I know tons of people who do dirt on this fucking site & for you to come sideways at charlie & act like your god's gift to earth, god just shut the fuck up. Everyone's a piece of shit at one point or another doesn't matter who the fuck you are.

so look under your fucking hood & tell me everyone commenting on this site has bought every part they have ever put on there car legitimately & have REAL receipts not fake ass receipts your friends who work at a shop write up for you.or the money you got from the hustling of illegal shit to get your parts. or when you find out something on your car is not as legit as you thought, are you just going to pull your motor, pull your tranny, pull the parts off & throw them away & buy all new ones. please this site is full of broke dicks, minus a select few.

grow the fuckkkkkk upppppp.

Jesus christ.

vw2vtec 01-31-2011 02:14 PM

No just the people you hang with. Your so intertwined with trash that you start to believe your own bullshit. The majority of people on here are legit, and do earn a honest living. I guess you just never had the chance to get out of it. You can take the girl out of the ghetto, but.......

vw2vtec 01-31-2011 02:22 PM

I don't even know you, I'm just making a simple observation...

Gen2ITR 01-31-2011 05:06 PM

So has there been any REAL progress?
Any REAL evidence produced?

Gen2ITR 01-31-2011 05:51 PM

Someone seems awfully quick to play the guilty before proven innocent game...

I see the arrest record... post the link that you have where it states the charges against him.

vw2vtec 01-31-2011 06:25 PM

lol and you talk about being mature. Maybe you should just do Charlie a favor before he gets screwed even more, and butt out for now. Let the adults take it over from here. Okie dokie

I Hate Import Cars 01-31-2011 06:38 PM

BAHAHAHA!!!!! I've never heard either of you say stupid shit before, but seriously? SRSLY? Phoenix cops are the most incompetent retards in the whole fucking law enforcement world! They could SEE them steal it and still not be able to put a case together. Why do you think that Phoenix is in the top 3 cities in the country to be able to get away with murder in? And I don't mean "get away with murder", I mean FUCKING GET AWAY WITH FUCKING MURDER!

False. I am a saint. But besides me, you're correct sir.

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