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civic nerd 02-25-2011 12:36 PM

I never said I couldn't find proof. My point was that no matter what I bring to the table, there will be some sort of counter arguement that leads to nowhere. Both sides are equally responsible for this. So like I said, it's just a matter of who you believe.

Rufus 02-25-2011 02:35 PM

Just how handsomely does it pay to be one of the most controversial men in America? For Glenn Beck, $32 million.

Beck, who became a household name in 2009, pulled in the shocking sum through a revenue stream that includes books, radio, TV, digital media, and speaking fees.

Interestingly, Forbes reports that Beck's Fox News contract is the least lucrative of all his ventures.

According to the Forbes analysis, Beck earned $12 million from book sales thanks to his "profit participation co-venture with Simon & Schuster typically reserved for authors like Stephen King." He has a five-year, $50 million contract with Premiere Radio Networks that netted $10 million for the year. His website, supported by both ads and an "Insider" subscription service as well as retail merchandise sales, brought in another $4 million. Speaking fees and events like his "Bold Fresh Tour" with Bill O'Reilly earned him $3 million, and his Fox News contract brought in $2 million. Add in a final $1 million from his Fusion magazine, and Beck had a $32 million year.

Beck told Forbes that he is more interested in the business than the politics of what he does.

"I could give a flying crap about the political process," he said. "We're an entertainment company."

civic nerd 02-25-2011 02:42 PM

BINGO! This further explains the motive that I was talking about earlier. Thank you sir!

lil black Ek9 02-25-2011 02:57 PM

But you did say you couldn't find proof.

Rufus 02-25-2011 02:59 PM

Glen Beck loves people like you that contribute and help perpetuate his empire of monetary wealth. You're his very own Pyramid Scheme. Congrats

civic nerd 02-25-2011 03:05 PM

How about you quote the entire sentence instead of an out of context fragment. "I wish I could prove that he was telling lies, but the way he words things makes it easy to rebuttal any point that anyone makes against him." is what I said. And by this I meant that any evidence that I bring to the table will be rebuttaled by a counter arguement such as "No thats not what he meant when he said that" or something along those lines, which leads the conversation nowhere.

VTECin5th 02-25-2011 08:54 PM

You really believe "they" would allow a major, household name, to get on tv, radio and books and allow him to talk about "secrets"? Look at Wikileaks. You can say whatever you want, and make people 'do research' all day to cement GB's "facts", but like Civic Nerd said, there's always going to be a way to counter it. But, when it is truly hard facts, and sharing secret factual info, that's when things get cut off. Just like wikileaks. There's no use in this thread for either side. I prefer a realist over an actor. You prefer to see Beck as a realist instead of an actor. Phil Hendrie has a much better show, and even makes it funny instead of dramatic. Glenn Beck knows exactly what he is doing. I do respect his business model. He's making money from people's fear. This system works great, look at our government.

lil black Ek9 02-25-2011 11:29 PM

At least beck gets paid for the truth, unlike micheal Moore, and every other leftist. If he is so wrong I'm still want to see what he has really been wrong about. 5 pages in and no one posted anything that he was wrong about or lied about.

Rufus 02-26-2011 10:32 PM

All_Hail_White_Powa 02-27-2011 07:53 AM

good heading to see in the morning.

lil black Ek9 02-27-2011 11:20 AM

To many dumb fucks in this thread, that can't follow simple instructions.

VTECin5th 02-27-2011 12:25 PM

No, too many people in this thread know it's going nowhere. The offensive (you) are trying to perpetuate this into something it isn't. You claim to enjoy a debate but you're not debating, you're just following, preaching and being closed-minded. I seriously do not mean any offense whatsoever. You have an emotional reaction to everything in here. I respect your passion for the subject but the others in here are well aware this is going nowhere. As Rufus pointed out. Nobody gives a fuck now.

I guess that's one way to get your point across. Disregard any and all opposing view and cling to whatever makes you feel more confident. Too bad Glenn Beck isn't a religion eh?

It's not about following instructions. It's about you defending a belief/person. I think most of us in here can respect that concept. Even though I don't agree with Glenn Beck's methodology, I understand.

I don't follow a religion, have my own beliefs and that causes tension with friends and family who are constantly trying to show me "the way". Anything you believe in, you should support, and for that, I applaud you. I applaud it more because you have a reason for your support, although not in line with the majority of us here, it's your belief.

Less emotion, more logic. :you rock:

Rufus 02-27-2011 05:57 PM

die in a dick fire noob 02-27-2011 06:26 PM

this reminds me of a thread on carolinahondas about believing in god. if you don't; you're wrong. if you believe in a different one; you're wrong. if you question it; you're wrong. if you find some evidence against it; you don't have enough faith.

civic nerd 02-27-2011 07:21 PM

haha Dont get me started on religion. Im as atheist as it gets. Somehow people translate that into satanism. Weird huh? lol

Rufus 02-27-2011 08:49 PM

Glen Beck is like Catholicism; Fake... and making a fuckload of money doing it.

riceboy88 02-27-2011 08:51 PM

i thought he was mormon?

Rufus 02-27-2011 08:55 PM

Oh sorry, wrong made-up man-in-the-sky cult...

rudsone 02-27-2011 09:01 PM


civic nerd 02-27-2011 09:34 PM

Lmao! I love it! :you rock:

die in a dick fire noob 02-28-2011 09:53 AM

i like that they assume we love michael moore because we dislike beck. either one is only there to make money.

Rufus 02-28-2011 10:02 AM

Because they think in black and white. If you can't support white, you MUST support Black.

Glen Beck is an entertainer... many are entertained by him... unfortunately many feel his "sermon" is the "gospel".

Hey, really, who can complain when we have TV shows that follow Kim Kardashian and Snooki? If we find value in other people's dysfunction, I can't act surprised when people start thinking everthing that comes out of the TV is real.

krazyblurtz 02-28-2011 07:26 PM

Genius: steal an act from a show so old, that most viewers wouldn't have an idea.

die in a dick fire noob 02-28-2011 07:41 PM

i love kids in the hall.

gunsup0331 02-28-2011 07:46 PM


die in a dick fire noob 02-28-2011 08:03 PM

so that's what you resort too, lolnice.

EFfective 03-01-2011 12:05 AM

x2 :thumbup: shits classic

die in a dick fire noob 03-01-2011 07:26 AM

i watched a whole bunch after that one.

ILIKETODRIVE 03-01-2011 02:55 PM

Exactly. Simple-minded logic for simple-minded people.

To quote a badass movie: "Gray! The world is gray, Jack!"

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