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lil black Ek9 02-17-2011 12:48 AM

Who the F*ck is Glen Beck, and who the F*ck really cares?
Anyone on here watch glen beck? I watch everyday and very informative show. He uncovers some crazy and scary shit. I'm just wondering if anyone else watches it and what do you think about what he says?

WRX666 02-17-2011 01:03 AM

hes an ignorant idiot who never makes any sense and cries and rants about topics but never gets to the bottom of it.
ive tried to watch his show a few times and the man is like a child. it surprises me that such a personality is even on tv. but seeing as how most of his followers are republican, im not surprised. theyre just as clueless as this moron.

lil black Ek9 02-17-2011 02:05 AM

I take it your lib/progressive, you will blindy follow whatever the government says. By the way not republican, conservative big difference. Do some research on the people that you think are actually working in your best interest. If they were they wouldn't be fucking our country every chance they get. And it's the Obama administration that's fucking all of us not bush. But you probably still think bush is in office and it's all his fault because hats what most of you think. Look at what's going on all around the world and it's not a coincidence, it's there plan to bring in the new world order. They just use people like you that will blindly follow and not look at what's really going on. Usefull idiots is what they say about students and there followers, it was the left that said it. They are using you to get what they want is that who you want in control? Maybe bu not me fuck that we need to get these stupid asshole outta power. And not violently, but the right way. They couldn't give a shit about this country.

WRX666 02-17-2011 02:48 AM

im not surprised you like glen beck..
plz stay on topic. your bringing up 15 different things up.
were not talking about obama or bush or the government or any other issues were talking about glen beck.
hes a hypocrite, he never gets to the point about anything.

theAngryMarmot 02-17-2011 06:29 AM

Moved to proper subforum.

All_Hail_White_Powa 02-17-2011 06:37 AM

fuck glen beck, fuck obama, fuck bush fuck all the politicians and well you too. WTF, just a way to start my morning. yawn, anyways look im neither party, and yes hes a fucking cry baby faggot. talk to a lot of ppl aasbout hima nd theyll tell you the same. i dont like him, i dont like our government thoughts and how they are running this country, and frankly id like to know if you vote everytime there is a election time???????

that being said, i dont like him to answer your question. BTW do more research on the ppl your talking about. you dont think bush , clinton, bush senior and regan did do ANYTHING wrong against us as americans????? research dude. research is all ill say.

Nachooooosupreme 02-17-2011 06:41 AM

Skylar your rant just started my day w some LoL thanks!!

All_Hail_White_Powa 02-17-2011 06:45 AM

anytime my friend, i love it like getting a bj from a girl w/ braces. it hurts but feels just right

die in a dick fire noob 02-17-2011 06:58 AM

i'm going to bookmark this thread so i know who NOT to associate with once i'm back home in the AZ.

WRX666 02-17-2011 07:33 AM

lmaoooooooo sky ftw!!!!!

lil black Ek9 02-17-2011 08:09 AM

Lol that had to be the most retarded post ever, you hate the country and what everyone is doing to it but yet the people that put out actually truthful info about the assholes that are fucking things up you don't like. Maybe it's just me, but I mean really and people wonder why shit gets all fucked up people that sit around hating everyone and not doing anything. And yes I do vote in the elections because I actually give a shit about what happens here I mean fuckin L dude. I'm not saying that bush,Clinton, ect. Didn't do shit to hurt us because they did as for Reagan I'm pretty sure he fixed quite a bit after Carter fucked us cause his limp dick couldn't do shit right.

lil black Ek9 02-17-2011 08:14 AM

I think your just to dumb to realize what the point is. If your liberal I don't care I don't hate anyone for there opinions because everyone is entitled to one. I just wanted to see what people thought of him, and when shit hits the fan and everything that he says plays out( like it always does) then I hope people will finally realize. But we will see when the time comes.

Rufus 02-17-2011 09:22 AM

haha I am literally dumbfounded that anyone watches let alone LIKES Glen Beck. I don't care what side he bats for, he misrepresents the whole picture with his moronic personality.

All_Hail_White_Powa 02-17-2011 09:33 AM

so appartently im not a dumbass then? good to know. op sorry dude but the guy sucks a dick, letb alone you just for watching the guy. sorry.

WRX666 02-17-2011 10:49 AM


hey op u mad??

gunsup0331 02-17-2011 12:15 PM

Soooo any of the glenn beck haters here wanna refute anything he has said or claimed? I find his personality to be a bit over the top but I've yet to hear any avg glenn beck haters actually provide a meaningful counterpoint to his topics of discussion.

And regardless of any other characteristics you may find abrasive, the last thing that remotely applies to glenn beck is the word ignorant.

rudsone 02-17-2011 12:26 PM

you guys make me lol.

the tv corp he works has an agenda, and guess what he's doing? following it.

gunsup0331 02-17-2011 12:32 PM

You obviously have no clue what you are talking about and simply conjuring up the obvious easy comeback/libtard explanation.

Who wants to chance aguess as to why glenn beck left cnn? Oh. Ya. He wouldn't conform to their agenda

lil black Ek9 02-17-2011 02:02 PM

I've been waiting for someone to say something that beck got wrong, and the only agenda fox has is to put out the truth and un bias news unlike shit box CNN.

lil black Ek9 02-17-2011 02:18 PM

About what? Why would I be mad about a bunch of guys on the interenet that talk shit about the show saying he is always wrong , and yet no one has brought up anything he was wrong about. Show me one instance where he was wrong because if he was I would like to know I watch his show and then do the research on the topics he talks about and so far they were all true. Do your fuckin homework bro before you try to act like you know what your talking about. I made the thread to see if one else watched the show not to hear a bunch of blind leftys have diaherria of the mouth.

lil black Ek9 02-17-2011 02:23 PM

Please post said misrepresentations?

Sprmario 02-17-2011 02:35 PM

rudsone 02-17-2011 02:38 PM


faux news, :smackself:

gunsup0331 02-17-2011 02:39 PM

^ definitely a valid debate point :shakeshead:

Nachooooosupreme 02-17-2011 02:46 PM

Pics > werds

All_Hail_White_Powa 02-17-2011 02:55 PM

WELL IF YOUR READING CORRECTLY MY FRIEND, NO WE DONT THEN I GUESS.(oops caps) anyways stop tripping out. why not do yourm researce before the show? theres threads where he gets some info off of.

so, here we go then, give us a topic to discuss then. please give it. if not, why not just shut up and get your panties all riled up in a bunch and just chill out a bit. over reacting over beck as if he was a peck on yout dick from a hooker few weeks back. unless hes your dad...................:wave1:

lil black Ek9 02-17-2011 03:22 PM

I wasn't the who brought up him making wrong statements, so as usually you have nothing important to say. just the same shit you said in the first post you wrote, if your not gonna have any valid imput on the thread then gtfo. I'm chill dude I'm not heated what so ever. If your still claming he makes shot up and is wrong then post something you feel is invalid or wrong? It's not confusing to understand bro.

Rufus 02-17-2011 03:39 PM

All_Hail_White_Powa 02-17-2011 03:45 PM

I think your just to dumb to realize what the point is. If your liberal I don't care I don't hate anyone for there opinions because everyone is entitled to one. I just wanted to see what people thought of him, and when shit hits the fan and everything that he says plays out( like it always does) then I hope people will finally realize. But we will see when the time comes.

these here my friend shows you how glen beck makes you hostile and also retarded. so once again i dont like him. hes ignorant, hes a bitch, and also a dood that you look at when you jerk off at the m onitor. have fun my friend.

WRX666 02-17-2011 04:07 PM

yeah u mad

Atomic-Orange-Turbo-Sloth 02-17-2011 04:19 PM

i sometimes listen to him on 92.3 but once it goes to politics or the world ending so buy canned food by the ton then i switch.

die in a dick fire noob 02-17-2011 04:32 PM

anyone who makes this statement, “I have been nervous about this interview with you because what I feel like saying is, 'Sir, prove to me that you are not working with our enemies." is clearly in it for the ratings.

the back story is that he said this to Keith Ellison the first Muslim member of our United States congress.

proof that 1, either he just wants ratings (i personally believe to be true) or 2, he's a xenophobic discriminator.

i mean you take your pick? yeah i can really get behind someone who is as close minded to say that to someone because they don't believe in his religion, which is mormonism btw, i guess that fits right in with the mesa/gilbert/chandler crowd right?

lil black Ek9 02-17-2011 08:32 PM

I'm honestly amazed that you keep not saying anything. Dude all I'm asking is for you to say what he has said that you think is wrong. And as for ignorant not even remotely close, I can see that you are. I know your entitled to your opinion and am not mad for you stating yours but at least explain your opinion I mean shit. Like me saying I hate you because your ignorant and make up lies about everything and you suck dick and are a pussy but then not telling you why I think that. That's all I want to know what are your opinions and why. But you had to post some stupid retarded ass fucking comments that make you truy look like dumbass. I'll say it one more time for the slower people in this thread post what it is that he said that is untrue and reason why you don't like him, that's all I want to know....:th_supergay:

gunsup0331 02-17-2011 08:38 PM

On the muslim guy thing I'm pretty sure he had reason to be suspicious. If you listen to his talk show once in a while you will realize just how much research goes into his work.

Anywho...still waiting for a valid refute to any of glenn becks claims, predictions, opinions, insight, etc. And while I'm on the topic obviously you should take ANY advertisement with a grain of salt. Regardless of who is talking

lil black Ek9 02-17-2011 08:45 PM

Your a straight fucking moron, yea he is in it for the ratings that's it. I mean have you ever ern watched his show? And I'm sorry but with all the shit going on and the shootings at military bases from Muslims that were serving in our army I would be a little sketched out to but I'm not a politically correct bitch that gets offended by everything. Watch his show just one full episode and see how he talks and what he says. And if your even remotely intelligent you will see it's not for ratings.

riceboy88 02-17-2011 08:51 PM

WRX666 02-18-2011 02:27 AM

in conclusion....
glen beck is an idiot..hell suck dick for ratings and hes a hypocrite his followers are just as clueless.
the end


theAngryMarmot 02-18-2011 06:34 AM

This is providing me with entertainment.

I, will allow this to continue.

All_Hail_White_Powa 02-18-2011 06:46 AM

reporter voice: mr paul, sir mr paul, can you tell me why glen beck is your hero?

paul(clintons voice): i did not have any sexual relations w/ that man

reporter: mr paul can you please state why glen beck is is more of a moron then skys 88?

paul(clintons voice): i did not inhale!!!!!!!!!! now can we move on to better topics then blowing off skys88 penis now? thank you. and by the way glen beck is a faggot. (waves w/ thumbs up)

gunsup0331 02-18-2011 07:37 AM

Wow I'm glad you were able to cobble together this introspective viewpoint which completely justifies your heretofore baseless, nonsensical squealings

Bravo sir, hats off to you

Still waiting...links don't count because the act of interjecting some random third party opinion does nothing to validate your own. In fact your complete and utter lack of intelligent, objective contribution to the topic glaringly exposes your blatant disregard for knowledge.

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