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S!K TEG 02-26-2015 04:02 AM

i guess it time to hit the gym.
cliff notes:

I went from 220lbs to 280lbs since I got a desk job.
Wife got me a gym membership
Want to go back to 220lbs or less if possible.
Need help.

So, I'm going start hitting the gym but don't even know where to start. Do I start small with only car do for a fee weeks then move to weight lifting?

What tips/ do's & don't do you have?

Goals are:

Wear size 34-38 waist size
Maybe even tone-up a bit.

I'll post progress pictures here.

Spec C 02-26-2015 07:35 AM

First and foremost what you eat will be the biggest variable in weight loss.

Secondly. I'd start strength training immediately. No need to start with cardio only.

Do: squat, bench, deadlift, overhead press. Get on a solid strength based program.

Don't: become one of those guys who wanders from machine to machine neglecting the fundamental lifts.

S!K TEG 02-26-2015 09:29 AM

This is why came here. I have no idea where to even start.

The first time I went from 300lbs to 220lbs was because I went for runs and did some push up at night. But I kinda want to gain some tone while I'm at it.

Breakfast 5am: I usually have oatmeal with a black coffee and a cup of fresh oj. (Monday-friday )

Lunch 11am: I'm munching on chicken, steam veggies and a v8 juice. (Monday Friday)

Dinner 5pm: varies but I'm going try to stick to Salads, rice, etc. Something light. (Monday Friday)

I "reward" myself but I keep moderate. I try to stay from fast food as much as I can. So my weekend break fast follows.

2 eggs, chorizo, bulk coffee

Then the rest of the days varies.

S!K TEG 02-26-2015 09:32 AM

Whats a good site to start looking at peoples work out programs? 02-26-2015 10:56 AM

you need to eat more often, 5-6 times a day, and reduce portions

Spec C 02-26-2015 11:35 AM

You don't have to eat 5-6 times a day.. You can, sure, but eating 3-4x isn't a huge deal.

And reduce portions? To what? He's not eating nearly enough. My wife probably eats double that. Lol

Needs more protein though. That breakfast for example is all carbs. It's not optimal.

S!K TEG 02-26-2015 01:03 PM

So switch from oatmeal to like eggs, lean steaks, nuts etc?

Its kinda hard to eat more often then 3x a days when we aren't allowed food/ snacks at our desk.

What would be an ideal meal plan?

Spec C 02-26-2015 09:25 PM

Grab this ebook and run the "stampede" program.

There's actually numerous, very good programs in it. Josh Bryant is a great coach.

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