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chambersef8 07-11-2010 10:45 AM

Damn cops.

imm0rtal 07-11-2010 10:48 AM

They were there/followed people because there are usually a lot of morons out at Arco doing dumbass shit. Why do you think I don't bother going?

diamondlyfe 07-11-2010 10:52 AM

actually i didnt see anyone at arco doing dumbass shit at all, and trust me im all for the "shaking my head at burnouts and all the other fag stuff that usually happens". The cops just pulled in casually and everyone got "scared" and hauled out. Why? I dont have a clue. They obviously must not have everything current with their cars. 07-11-2010 10:54 AM

That is so hilarious to me

How can you afford that JDM Lipkit and turbo and exhaust but can't afford to keep your car paperwork and insurance up to date?

by "you" I mean the tuner crowd in general, nobody specific.

diamondlyfe 07-11-2010 10:55 AM

^^ exactly my point

wyte93 07-11-2010 11:25 AM

Must of done stupid shit in the past or the cops wouldn't of just strolled threw. some peoples kids.

Nate_AP1 07-11-2010 11:26 AM

I think you answered your own question

honduh_head 07-11-2010 11:31 AM

lol its always the cops fault

honduh_head 07-11-2010 11:39 AM

so the group as a whole were the stupid ones then...???

j-dizzle 07-11-2010 11:41 AM

i havent been to arco in forever mainly because of the fact that there are dumbass people that think when the cops show up they have to run? which make all of us in general look bad like we all were doing something wrong plus the lot is too small!!!

BDEG 07-11-2010 11:42 AM

Shit at least you guys have stuff going on down there
W. Phx doesn't have shit going on anymore besides moving to 20 different parking lots in one night with in a hour to look at the same car's

MannyaK 07-11-2010 11:53 AM

well thanks to some random rule we cant show up to arco for another 2 weeks
and as far as the 'new meet' good luck on that its been tried

j-dizzle 07-11-2010 11:55 AM

people have tired the whole "new spot thing" myself included, but it doesnt last more than a week or 2. people just act stupid bring police attention then we get kicked out. the next week everyone is back at arco.

EFRue57 07-11-2010 12:09 PM

It's always been my thinking that a person is smart but a group of people are stupid. Think about it, whenever someone is out by themselves and they see a cop, what do they do? Nothing, just go about their business. But you get a group of people together and the cops show up and all of a sudden everyone scatters.

To me that is the most retarded thing you can do anyways. Way to be inconspicuous :insert sarcasm:. If I was a cop I would leave all the ones who stayed behind alone and then go and pull over the ones who leave like a bunch of d-bags who act like they have something to hide.

that one guy 07-11-2010 12:32 PM

the scene in az is dead Im moving back to cali

BDEG 07-11-2010 12:37 PM


AZ gangsta 07-11-2010 12:54 PM

i like the dumbass people drifting and burning out gives me sumthin to laugh at and laugh even harder if they crash or get a ticket haha

RagingAsian 07-11-2010 12:58 PM

Cops are doing their job as far as I am concerned. If people werent trying to run over other people, do 1/4 mile runs in places that are shorter than 1/32 mile spaces, and other bullshit, I actually believe that the Deputies would leave us to our own devices. but because a select few have to get stupid time and time again, the Deputies will come down on us.

now as far as I understand, according to the Deputy that kicked us out of ARCO we cannot go back until August 7th 2010. if we do, they will either cite or arrest anyone who does.

To everyone who blasted off the first time that the Deputies showed up, youre fucking morons. if they had actually been jackasses and wanted to kick us out, they would have come in with their lights on and telling us to get out. But no, they were just roaming through, looking to see if we were behaving, which we were until everyone started running like they had something to hide. The reason why the Sheriffs went after everyone that was leaving is because you guys and girls acted like you were hiding something. Way to Go.

Brian Earl Spilner 07-11-2010 01:01 PM

next time just go to arco strapped so when the cops come to bust everyones fun u can shoot em or somthing:facepalm:

god forbid they show up to ensure safety and bust dumbass's for doing stupid shit, like half the bald headed motherfuckers there do

i swaer if your short and fat with a shaved head and usaully drive a shitter, yours always down to ruin a good time and start shit and be angry

theAngryMarmot 07-11-2010 01:07 PM

Pretty much!

It is the same thing everytime. Large amount of hondas show up.

When there are any more than say 15 Hondas in one place, you can bet at least one, has something like no insurance, registration, warrants, etc etc. So when a Cop, who is doing there job, shows up, that one or more person tries to leaves. Since it is the "Herd" mentality others think something is going down, and they start to leave.

You are lucky no one was being an idiot, because I still swear that if you get any group of more than 10 car guys together, there will be 1 idiot. If you have 20 cars, there will be 3 idiots, and if you have 30 cars, there will be 9 idiots, and so on. It exponentially multiplies.

More than likely the cop is just making it known he is in the area, or he is doing his job.

Then of course , the next day, someone has to post how the stupid cops broke up a meet. At a gas station. LOL.

Didn't some shop in tucson have a pretty good meet that the shop hosted, but all the idiots screwed that one up too?

99EM1 07-11-2010 01:19 PM

Yea but what about those who DO behave like myself?? My car is legit and I've been pulled over 9 (NINE) times in the past month (NO exaggeration) and havent been ticketed for ANY of the STUPIDEST shit....Phoenix and Tempe both pulled me over for going 46mph in a 45mph speed zone....Faggot ass MCSO pulled me over for going over the yellow line by half a foot....DPS pulled me over saying my license plate "Looked Fake" and so I got pissed and asked if his computer in is cruiser was fake cause he shouldve just ran the plates....My EM1 is completely legit with tags and insurance...I personally think with all the over time these fags work should buy a life and leave mine alone...So you can tell I DON'T like cops

RagingAsian 07-11-2010 01:24 PM

Shit Happens, sometimes people get the short end of the stick. If you got pulled over 9 times and you got no tickets, then there is nothing to bitch about. be glad your car and everything associated with it, is legit.

As for not liking cops, I take personal offense because two fucking morons this week, opened fire on my good friend who is a Deputy, and one paid with his life. Fine you dont like cops, but it'll be a different story when someone does something to you and you need them in a jiffy.

theAngryMarmot 07-11-2010 01:25 PM

I find that very hard to believe.

I have to drive some very shady looking cars quite often, and I rarely get pulled over.

MannyaK 07-11-2010 01:32 PM

all i know is that next week im not going to come out maybe i wont come out for another month who knows

RagingAsian 07-11-2010 01:33 PM

You can be a contracted party bus Manny with that Fit of yours. make some money with it. its summer time and people hate DUI's

MannyaK 07-11-2010 01:37 PM

lol party bus?
i try and keep my fit as CLEAN as possible i hardly let anyone in unless i know them really well
beer, food, drunks, and mexicans arent allowed inside

RagingAsian 07-11-2010 01:39 PM

But who said it was mexicans that you had to allow? You could always just go get some hot white chicks. Cause I was at court last week, and I counted 7 women with DUIs...So its reasonable.

But thats why you charge an "blow it out of your ass" amount of you can ensure that your Fit, is always fit.

MannyaK 07-11-2010 01:41 PM

i ride solo unless chewbacka rides along
and i can care less about pu tang at the moment i got a girl :)

RagingAsian 07-11-2010 01:42 PM

lawlz Manny, wasnt implying you should go nail something, but I figure since youre not gunna come out for a while, might as well seize the money making opportunity that the summer presents itself as.

theAngryMarmot 07-11-2010 01:44 PM

"lol party bus?
i try and keep my fit as CLEAN as possible i hardly let anyone in unless i know them really well
beer, food, drunks, and mexicans arent allowed inside"

Wrap the inside with the plastic old people have to wrap their furniture in.

Didn't the Element have an interior you could hose out? Maybe you could trade in the Fit.

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