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king06 01-14-2015 12:05 AM

Always liked Musk, but is he too good to be true?

I remember the Roadster, I didn't think the company would go very far. But now, it looks like they can't be stopped (I hope so anyways).

"I really, strongly recommend making significant investments in electric cars," Musk said, noting that Tesla had offered to share its patents for free and allow other automakers to use its Supercharger network. "I think people won’t regret making those decisions."

Crono 01-14-2015 12:19 AM

If the past years have told us anything, it's to never bet against Musk.

His stocks have defied everything traders have come to expect.

theAngryMarmot 01-14-2015 07:22 AM

I am glad Tesla is a US company.

I just wish Fisker hadn't went down.

Then we would have had two of the best electric car manufacturers here in the US.

Toyota recently followed suit and released their electric patents.

AnthemCTR 01-14-2015 11:18 AM

I think fisker won a suit against tesla. They also designed the first model s but intentionally made it sub par as they were building a car also.

king06 01-14-2015 12:43 PM

I didn't even know about Fisker, I had seen the car and thought to myself "that's a complete ripoff of the Maserati", didn't know what it was but I didn't like it. Looks like some Chinese investors(Wanxiang) bought out the company and are still planning to make the Karma, even after all this years.

I bet there's lets of money from those investors/company, but they are going to need more than money to make a vehicle that people want to buy.

All I keep reading about Tesla is that the customer service goes above and beyond to help their customers. It's kind of like a cult following, sounds pretty fucking good to me. Now, if we can only get US manufacturers to start caring about the end user, the US would be unbeatable in the car market. Or maybe they have? We haven't owned a domestic in years, at least not anything new.

Alika80 05-14-2015 07:15 AM

I've been drinking a lot of Tesla Kool-Aid lately and I really like the direction Musk is going. He is the evil genius of the car world. He's made other companies take EVs and Tesla seriously. I wish I had some extra cash to buy some stock. Once Model X launches, and the Gigafactory opens, the brand and the cars will start taking off (not literally, that's SpaceX). Then the Model 3 will be ready, and Musk will build his volcano villans lair.

@king06: Their service techs and "rangers" seem to be awesome from what I've read. But I'm eager to see how they handle that aspect when the Tesla car count rises. Will they be able to keep up with the quality of service and keep the "mechanic house calls"?

1 point 6 05-14-2015 08:06 AM

LS-S DA9 05-14-2015 08:10 AM

I like it. I'm tired of seeing the model s though. I can see about 6 right now where I'm standing. . Lol they are annoying to work on body wise

Alika80 05-14-2015 08:43 AM

@1 point 6: Tesla wagon would rule. All speculation on the Model 3 is that it will be smaller than the Model S (of course). More like a 3 series size. Hopefully stays RWD.

@LS-S DA9: Where do you work? I always see a white MS on the weekends in gilbert. I can imagine how big of a pain aluminum is to work on, body wise.

1 point 6 05-14-2015 11:57 AM

Yeah I think that rendering is just basing it off the Model S, but I think they want that wagon/hatch electric market that Prius has taken so much of.

die in a dick fire noob 05-14-2015 06:21 PM

a 35k tesla would be amazing, i really hope it takes off and they go even lower into the price points, like a 20k tesla would just break the car market lol

LS-S DA9 05-14-2015 06:34 PM

It's funny what parts you find on a tesla model s.. window switches and steering wheel are mercedes. Rear lower "fart" flaps as we call them or air flaps located under the bumper are ford..

Model 3 is supposed to be a smaller model s and around 30k.. well be seeing MANY more on the street and at the shop I work at lol

Alika80 05-15-2015 08:09 AM

Ya. They share a lot with MB. Didn't know about the Ford stuff. lol.

Once Model 3 drops, Tesla will break the car world for sure.

Funny note for all you vapers out there, Model S battery pack uses over 7000 18650 batteries. haha.

@LS, you must work at a body shop, in Scottsdale. lol.

LS-S DA9 05-15-2015 08:21 AM

Yup lol

phatman 05-15-2015 08:55 PM

I'm loving that Tesla is taking off. I've seen one of their charging stations in Casa Grande. That is awesome. Fisker going down was a shame as it also had the petrol engine to charge off of if needed. Still, it's nice to see an EV vehicle that doesn't look like utter garbage.

Can't wait for the Gigafactory to go up either. Cheaper parts for Tesla = cheaper cars = more electric cars out there.

Alika80 05-21-2015 11:30 AM

Any thoughts on the Powerwall? It only seems to beneficial if you have solar. Although, you can install it without solar. Charge the battery at night, off peak. Then the house will pull power from it during peak hours, in turn, saving money.

I am confused though, it doesn't come with an inverter. That and add installation . . .

Alika80 07-17-2015 01:26 PM

In other news, 2.8sec to 60mph. 762HP

LS-S DA9 07-17-2015 01:43 PM

So I had a brand new un sold p85d last week and took it out in insane mode. Gave myself minor whiplash and I was only half throttle lol. Ridiculously fun to drive no doubt.

juan3023 07-17-2015 01:57 PM

S!K TEG 07-17-2015 02:07 PM

fisker were horrible looking cars.

telsa has more of a sleek style. Plus that wagon looks tits.

at 20k compared to fisker 100k, telsa for the win.

91DAKID 07-17-2015 04:24 PM

Hop out the MuthaPhuckin TESLA -2 Chainz

king06 08-11-2015 11:57 PM

I'm so curious how long they can keep up with their current business plan. House calls and going above and beyond for their customers.

Also, they are having a ton of small issues and I think they said that the superchargers will be free for life now? I think I had heard they where going to be free for 5 years.

A $30k Tesla would destroy, I don't give a shit if its slow,I don't care about speed in a car that's supposed to be efficient. The big three would probably sue them/throw an even bigger bitch fit, I know Tesla isn't allowed to we in Texas lol. Fucking losers. Get rid of the middle man.

Alika80 08-21-2015 06:54 AM

Superchargers have been free for life since their inception. Musk says they won't backtrack on that. He did send the owners letters about over using them. Seems people close to them use them daily. They are "intended" for long distance travel. I'm sure it's not easy on the batteries, and could negatively affect them when used everyday.

Did you see a contractor died back east installing one!?

Model X deliveries start next month, I hope it lives up to the hype. Plus the 90kwh battery, and the P90D. Then its on to Model 3. Maybe we can at least see a rendering by next year. I'm starting to save now. Haha.

king06 08-21-2015 11:40 AM

I guess I miss read about the superchargers. That is incredible that they can sustain that for any period of time.

I did not see about the contracted. I was referring more to the small problems with the cars condensation in lights, leaking trunks, door handles and so on. But I guess things like that in a 1st generation are common, I'm still amazed that they still give you a loaner and pick the car up when it breaks down. It just seems like they are bleeding money, but it must be working.

As far as the Model x, if they are cutting cost where are they cutting it? People say the interior on the base model s is cheap ish, so let's wait and see what you can get for a car that less than half the price.

theAngryMarmot 08-21-2015 12:50 PM

Tesla isn't making money. Just bleeding it.

king06 08-21-2015 01:28 PM

Yea, what can the plan be? I was reading that they are paying back their loans ahead of schedule. So they must be making money.

theAngryMarmot 08-21-2015 01:34 PM

I remember reading something where Musk said the company wouldn't be full-year profitable till 2020

king06 08-21-2015 03:12 PM

Okay, that makes some sort of sense.

king06 08-29-2015 09:22 AM

Arizona not allowing the sell of Tesla?! Wtf

phatman 08-30-2015 12:22 PM

Nope. Arizona requires a dealership to sell cars. No direct dealing. You can thank the money grabbing chumps that own the dealerships.

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