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boostedrex 04-29-2007 01:47 AM

Kill Stories
Its been on honda tech for while so i figured try it here. Post your kill story or your being killed story.Im not condoning street racing, but if u do post your story. Here is my story.

Me and my buddy T (nextlevelcoupe) was crusing in his turbo dohc zc rex, going down Glendale. It was late and there was no one on the road, when all of the sudden a silver tocoma pulled next to us then kept pulling in front of us a car then fading back a next to us. I then look over and its a girl driving the truck and it has a pink butterfly decal across it. I say "yo t i think this girl is trying to race u in the truck", he tells me im dumb and we keep going. at the next light she starts reving the truck the launches, and then t say " o hell no she is". So at the next light we meet up at she revs again, then he does , and the light turns green and were off. first gear even, second she has have a truck on us, third she has over 2 trucks on us. He then gets of it and says that he wasn't really racing, i am however laughing the whole time as he tries to convince me the he wasn't racing.But the worst parts was it was an automatic, and she laughed at us after she won. Sorry t but i had to do it . so lets here what u got

Daddy_Digital 04-29-2007 09:52 AM

oh man, how embarrasing. got whooped by a girl.
2 night ago, i was coming from a photo shoot with ravi. i got on the 51 north and this white 89 hatch merges from the 10 ramp. im not paying that much attention, i did notice the chick had a fart can. i was jus talkin to my girl then all of a sudden this bitch is tryin to catch up and starts reving up on me. at first i ignored her, then she pulled alil forward and then lined back up with me, i said fuk it, dropped it into 3rd and we went at it. this biznatch had the fukn nerve to try to ram my car! she got close but no damage. so i kept going, put a huge gap between us cus im a tuner, not a demolition derby driver.

boostedrex 04-29-2007 12:14 PM

damn sounds close

DJ Hookid 04-29-2007 01:02 PM

I was heading to work on Thursday, around noon. I’m on the loop 101 around the 67th Avenue ramp and a Celica GT is in front of me. This Celica is ugly as hell… It was white with Chrome 18’s that were cambering like crazy and it had a fart can exhaust. I was riding behind him minding my own business and then I hear him downshift. So I downshift from 5th to 4th, keep in mind I could have downshifted all the way to 3rd, and of course I easily catch up to him. Traffic is a bit heavy so I couldn’t move around him and fly by him. I was on his tail and I would have to let off the gas and coast for a few seconds otherwise I would have driven into his rear end. It was so hilarious. Erik (So Fly) and I were laughing like crazy. I rolled my windows back up, blasted the A/C and cruised the rest of the way to work. My job was done.

cjb 04-29-2007 01:30 PM

Finally we get a good thread on this board. We need to set some rules. I say, no lying or making stuff up, oh and nobody ask me for time slips. I don't believe in getting timed. Now let me share,

Oh man, I have been waiting to share this for so long. This was a few months back. It all started as I was testing out my new carbon fiber APC exhaust I just got from checker the night before. Keep in my mind I have a fully built d15z1 all motor beast in my eg hatch. Ok so I pull out of my neighbored banging through the gears, tires screeching, kidsscreaming, parents yelling and I am smiling. That new exhaust gave my engine a chance to breathe and that's all I needed to finish my street racing machine.

Ok so I am cruising around and I see a few ricer's looking my direction. I gave em a rev and of course they backed down, there prius couldn't handle what they were hearing so I proceed to the next light. No one was around and I haven't had a chance to fully feel the vtec power with all my new mods. So I began to breath slowly to calm myself because I was way to excited. Breathing slow I saw the light was still red, so I closed my eyes and wiped the sweat off of my palms. As I inhaled the new squash, I pushed the clutch in and put one hand on my neon steering wheel and the other on my matching shifter. And as if it was meant to be I opened my eyes just to see the light go green. So I dropped the clutch and gave it gas, Dammit. I stalled.

The magic was over, I started back up and took a right. I couldn't stand the embarrassment. So heading in a new direction, I see the distant tail lights of an STI. I sped up cause we were closing in on an intersection and I just new the light was going
to turn red. I really wanted to race this guy from a dig, I knew in my heart I was a better driver and that I could launch on him and get the jump, besides those subaru's are only 13 second cars. To my luck, we got the red. This time I wasn't going to close my eyes, the mood was right. I see him look over at me and smirk, I nod. I set the two step, it's at 2500rpm's right when my vtec-e kicks. GREENLIGHT!!!

Clutch off, gas, clutch, shift, gas, clutch, shift, gas, hazards.... It was like it was slow motion. I launched hard, no wheel spin and I got the jump, glad I paid extra for the sticky Nankings. I hear him spinning trying to get traction, I have a car length, now
2, I hit the hazards and let off. Poor subie driver, he didn't even catch up. I see his lights turn down a side street, guess he couldn't face me at the next light. Now I am feeling good, it's still early and I have plenty of gas.

Now I am checking the broadway mirror to see if anyone is coming and sure enough, looks as though someone else wants some. It looks low, I can see the headlights bouncing. And if it's that low, it's gotta be fast. They catch up, but this time they let
out a monstrous rev. I jumped in my seat and i think I peed a little, good thing I have vinly rapped itr seats. The anticipationof possibly being beat has got me ancy.

to be continued.....

noVtecHERE 04-29-2007 02:12 PM

nice CJB... i got a few but ill post later, i got revved on by a B16 hatch and a V6 Cougar slammed on 18`s..

<3bane 04-29-2007 05:15 PM

tweak is the epitome of rice. :inlove:

he would rather tune his n/a single cam for the 400th time than go to the new pool at mcdowell mountain ranch to check out milfs with tits that cost 3 times what his car does.

Daddy_Digital 04-29-2007 06:20 PM

dam cjb, thats not bad story tellin.
i just now recalled the first time i took my teg out for a joy ride a couple week ago after i bought it. I was going west on the 202, and i was in the express lane with my lady. well i cruised by a Ej civic, not sure what year, just that it was a coupe and had a fart can exhaust. i kinda slowed down bout 3 or 4 car lenghts ahead of him jus to see if he wanted some. well sure enuff, the idiot decided to come get some. i let him get the nose of his ride get in front of mine, i reved the engine, and he down shifted. i wasnt worried cus i dumped it into thrid and quickly caught up and passed him. we did this a couple times then he let off. so i thought it was all over til i see him haulin ass towards me on my side. so i let him have it and took off and i didnt stop til he was a lil speck of light on the broadway rearview. the dude prawly only had a SOHC, but hey..jus cus i drive a 4 door, dont mean its slow. jus like i dont under estimate hatches, some guys got some fast ones. and i have a fast 4 door teg.

tegmister 04-29-2007 06:23 PM

my car is slow :)

<3bane 04-29-2007 06:29 PM

i think its fucking hilarious that people believe cjb and tell ricer stories that are legit.

booo for cjb's fake ricer story.

YewllowDA 04-29-2007 06:32 PM

i never got revved.....maybe soon...

Shiznit 04-29-2007 06:42 PM

this one is from like a couple months ago, and i dont really street race.

i was on prince rd in tucson going home and a black lifted chevy truck pulled up next to me at a red light. he started revving his engine and proceeded to do a power burn out. meanwhile i rolled my windows up so i didnt have to smell the burning rubber. light turns green and he takes off and i just drive normally, i didnt want to race because my clutch is about to die and i want to keep the clutch until i can afford a new one for my turbo setup (which is in my garage, not on my car). anyway, he starts speeding up and slowing down till im next to him and speeds up again. then we pull up to another red light. and proceeds to do another power burnout, thats when i noticed he had a girl in his car who i must say was pretty fine. anyway thats when i decided i would like to either make or break his ego in front of his girl.

light turns green and he launches, i obviously couldnt get the launch on him because i had to let my clutch out slowly so my car wouldnt stall. he gets a good car length in front then my car caught up to his speed. by that time i shifted to 2nd and started pulling up to his side. 3rd gear i start pulling away, i got off of it at like 85mph. i slow down to the next red light and see him in my rear view mirror making a fast right turn on a random road probably cuz he was embarrassed he got his ass handed to him in front of his girl and didnt want it to happen again. hopefully he didnt get any poonany that night

<3bane 04-29-2007 06:45 PM

lifted trucks are so fucking slow.

Shiznit 04-29-2007 06:50 PM

i guess i shoulda mentioned i have an em1, not that its fast or anything lol

2000si 04-29-2007 06:55 PM

me and my bro were crusin to school in his ek hatch and this douch bag in his truck pulled next to us at a light and started talkin shit. he was like were going to race and i'm going to smash on you. your car aint shit. so the light turns red and we both gun it. needless to say we smashed on him and his freind so we slow down and i asked him "so what happened i thought your piece of shit was supposed to smash on us?" he came back with "congradulations you just beat every other civic on the road" so we told him to fuck off

Shiznit 04-29-2007 07:03 PM

wtf you guys ran a red light?

<3bane 04-29-2007 10:15 PM

bahaha. they sit at green lights and race at reds.

2000si 04-30-2007 12:37 AM

hahah my bad i messed up. i meant green :dumbass:

Rufus 04-30-2007 12:51 AM

lol @ all of that

Fox Vtec 05-02-2007 03:19 AM

what ever u gotta tell yourself d00d, nice car though

Fox Vtec 05-02-2007 03:25 AM

how come theres nobody in this thread sayin how they got their ass kicked, maybe u guys should go against each other!

*inFamous* 05-02-2007 09:24 AM

my cars are to slow to race. :(

imm0rtal 05-02-2007 09:24 AM

I hit a rabbit one night on the freeway doing about 95. I am still finding pieces =/

BTLD_LS1 05-02-2007 10:02 AM

I kill kittens =/

*inFamous* 05-02-2007 10:17 AM

and god hates u for it!!!

BTLD_LS1 05-02-2007 10:26 AM


Ravi you should come to the track on Friday!

Finally gonna put some juice to the new motor.

Thing is a beast, you gotta see it!

BTLD_LS1 05-02-2007 10:26 AM

and as for kill stories, I smoked a Geo Metro in My GTi this morning!

Fox Vtec 05-02-2007 10:33 AM

didnt see that one coming, while your at it lets go beat up some old people

BTLD_LS1 05-02-2007 10:55 AM

Well if we want to get into real kill stories, there is the R32 Skyline, a couple turbo supra's C6 vette's, countless stangs, and this was all on a stock 200K mile motor...

noVtecHERE 05-02-2007 02:58 PM

i remember that josh/... i beat my wife... lol... just joking, that was bad.... but no seriously i beat her car... 3 cylinder to 3 cylinder, its me, the better driver *LOL*

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