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intel 03-19-2014 05:59 PM

Heavy squat pros! i need a gym session and form check
I'm aiming to go above 405; having quad pains, and need to catch a gym session with some of the heavy lifters. I'm in the north valley but dont care where in the valley i have to drive! just let me know!

weekends, early mornings, or late nights would rock

Spec C 03-20-2014 10:12 AM

SIRMIKEY might teach you how to squat for $100.

SiR Mikey 03-20-2014 03:49 PM

Lol! We squat mondays at the fitness 1 off 7th st and union hills at 5:15ish pm. Not sure if that time would work for you though?

intel 03-20-2014 03:56 PM

ill be there! ill pm you my number!

Spec C 03-20-2014 04:11 PM

Make sure you bring that $100 though.

intel 03-20-2014 05:37 PM

As long as i can pay him in high fives and bro hugs, you BET!

spec suggested i throw up a video as well! here goes!

let me know what you guys think! i have the pain ABOVE my left knee, and it feels like im pinching a nerve my left shoulder as well, which is why im pretty sure its my form. my mobility sucks as well

edit thats one of the sets of me attempting 10 x 3 of 280, i feel i could get through it if i didnt have this pain

Spec C 03-20-2014 05:51 PM

Your squat actually looks pretty good. Hard to see foot placement, and if your knees are getting forced out, but really not bad at all. Nice and deep.

See that "butt wink" at the bottom? That is no bueno. Gotta fix that. Mobility work. It is hard to see exactly what is causing it because I can't see those knees, but here are some ideas.

Do this

Start doing this(agile 8) a few times a week. The more the better. You can do it as soon as you get out of bed in the morning.

Also consider possibly getting some "olympic shoes" to squat in. Sometimes running out of ankle mobility will cause this too.

More on Butt Wink

intel 03-20-2014 08:12 PM

thank you tons! ive been looking for some good mobility but havent found anything known to work; and ive seen a lot of contradicting opinions. I'll give these a shot! gonna still try to catch a session with mike monday too!

i'll get on these exercises tonight

bmxican 03-24-2014 06:11 AM

good work intel, If you follow those tips from Spec C and start to squat with them you will definitely get them down super pact. Otherwise you are still doing pretty good. If anything leave your ego at the door, and just do 20+ reps of just the 45lb plates on each side.

intel 03-25-2014 02:50 PM

had a blast! also hit a PR by like 50+ lbs for two reps on the spot.

thanks TONS!

Spec C 03-25-2014 04:29 PM

Paypal me that $100 for hooking you up with Mikey. +$1/lb for pr's.

jakellama123 03-25-2014 11:03 PM

I luv mikey

intel 05-21-2014 03:42 AM

bump from the dead! i keep forgetting to post updates.

after the session with mike, I picked up some shoes (still havent out grown my shitty belt to upgrade to the rogue one youve recommended), and decided to keep a tight ass while not squatting as low....0 pain since. I'm still lifting bitch weight but, improvement is improvement.

ill upload a new video sometime this week

gunsup0331 09-14-2014 04:15 PM

bitch weight? lol i bitch out after 4x225! im 185lbs and i can rep 5x710 on incline leg press. which means im a squat pussy lol
Your squats look pretty good tho

intel 10-22-2014 12:44 AM

lol really? ive never done an incline leg press, EVER. I'm still using light weight(finally comfortable around 315). Everyone lifting with me that day was about 70% of my body weight lifting 2x my body weight, but yeah...i never did get a chance to post those "after" squat videos.

I'm still moving forward slowly but heres a few shortly after videos showing beltless and belted squats with spec's shoes. Not doing deadlifts or working on my lowerback strength is definitely slowing me down, but I've identified the issue at least. Now I have to address it.

Spec C 10-22-2014 09:55 AM

Honestly dude your squat looks really good. Your proportions look great for squatting.

Few nit picky things is this to pay attention to. Watch that first rep. See how you initiate the movement by bending your knees first ? Look how far your knees come forward. Now watch the second two reps. You throw your hips back into it, and your knees stay MUCH more vertical. That is what you want to do. So pay attention to that on your first rep.

You can see you are in a much better position on the second rep. Chest/head is up, knees not as far forward, and you are quite a bit "deeper".

Lastly. Get your elbows under the bar more. They are tipped way back/up. Crank them down. This will give you much more tightness, especially in your upper back. You want to try and get your forearm as vertical as possible.

Great work man!

intel 10-22-2014 01:49 PM

Thank you tons for the advice !!! My only issue now when squatting is that I always pinch a nerve in my back and I think you just identified exactly why !

I'll start working on that and my first squat starting today ! Thanks again !

usdm420 10-22-2014 02:42 PM

Dude you looked good man. I have a confession: I've yet to START squatting....and I feel like a BITCH because of it.
I do deadlift, but I need to really get on the squats.

Spec C 10-22-2014 03:46 PM

You can see your lower back is in a much more vulnerable position on the first rep. Look at that pic. Make sure before each rep you're taking a huge breath into your belly(not lungs) and forcing your belly out.

Usdm420..... You still aren't squatting? You realize Sirmikey, his lady, and myself aren't going to let you live that down when we see you Sunday, right?

usdm420 10-23-2014 08:12 AM

Good. I need that belittling lol

Spec C 10-23-2014 08:34 AM

Haha. What's your reasoning for not squatting?

usdm420 10-23-2014 08:54 AM

I don't have one to be honest. Nobody at my gym squats, there's one rack, I'm not sure where to start, form would probably be horrendous, etc.

All of that still doesn't equal a reason NOT to though. I'm not one to make excuses, I just haven't started squatting. I'd say overall through the last 4-5 months though I've really been half assing this shit and it's getting to the point where I'm going to start going ballistic again. My first 6-7 months were amazing! 4-5 days a week, pushing myself constantly, always had a drive/hunger to keep pushing.

All of that is damn near gone. That drive just kind of fizzled out. The only thing even keeping me going right now is a decent diet. But even that isn't producing the results I'd like. I need to tweak my diet again because I feel like I've reached a plateau in that regard. I'm eating 2400 or so cals, yet I've been sitting at 244 for 2 weeks now.

Remember that whole "you should be down to 220's by Halloween"?

YEAH....I haven't fucking budged. I need motivation again. It's as simple as that.
I don't know anybody up here that lifts, my wife isn't interested, I got nobody to bounce ideas off of, nada. It fucking blows.

I need to go down to the Valley sometime for a lift session with you guys just to see how REAL lifters approach their workouts. I have been going through this entire ordeal reading and watching youtube vids....and as I'm sure you can find conflicting info on EVERYTHING fitness related.

Spec C 10-23-2014 09:16 AM

Absolutely. Tons of conflicting, and shit info out there. That is why you should try and find a few notable coaches, etc and follow their work/advice. People like Mike Tuscherer, Josh Bryant, Mark Bell, etc.

If you ever find yourself down here, and want to lift, I can get you in my gym for a day. It isn't a problem.

intel 10-18-2015 11:57 AM

So necro post.

does anyone have permanent scars on their back from squatting? I guess I allow the bar to move too much when I started exploding up from squats? Mine is looking permanent; I'll have to start using moisturizer or some sort of scar treatment. I do bruise very easily but this looks like..... well terrible.

I keep reading people are happy and proud to have redness and this mark for a few days but....mine is there for good, not a few days?

Maybe I dont unrack tight enough ...or maybe being explosive as possible for the bar to actually wiggle is a bad thing.


intel 10-18-2015 12:03 PM

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