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usdm420 06-13-2018 11:40 AM

2018 Fitness Thread


Effen jacked bruh!

I think im down about 50

cbaracing 06-14-2018 08:54 AM

ha speak of the devil i was just up in prescott valley for a soccer tourney

opened my eyes to the fact i need to get back on the wagon

started my morning workouts again
dropped from 194 to 187 so far

need to get rid of my gut and get my stamia back up so i can school people on the field

and mike you are looking skinny minny what have you been doing?

usdm420 06-14-2018 02:21 PM

You got my #...hit me up when you're up here lol


Mostly diet change. I do some light stretches and core work at home but i think its mostly credited to eating a lot more healthy. Little to no carbs/sugars and a alot more veggies. I eat at least one salad a day. I like kale and supposedly its good for u, Alot people dont like kale but i dont mind it. Also eating about 10 avacados a week. I like the idea of paleo/keto diets, but i still eat BS occasionally, like today coworker handed me a mcdouble, dammit LOL

cbaracing 06-15-2018 08:12 AM

i know, thats my bad :guns:

cbaracing 06-15-2018 08:14 AM

thats my biggest downfall is food. i am super picky and never learned to like different foods when i was little so when it comes to diet now its all fuggered. being a sugar fiend doesnt help either. i am trying to ween myself off it but shit its like a drug :cownana:

usdm420 06-15-2018 08:21 AM

Shit, being in shape is 90% diet. That's why 90% of people fail lol

cbaracing 06-15-2018 08:38 AM

tell me about it. the only reason im not a blimp is because i stay active :080:

Allgeier 08-24-2018 06:59 AM

Well said. Amazing weight loss btw my friend. 100 pounds is a huge undertaking.

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